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  • ART : 23990 : Not available for external loan
    The physical and mental health problems of refugee and migrant fathers: findings from an Australian population-based study of children and their families
    BMJ Publishing Group
    Australia | psychological stress | cross-sectional studies | self report | body mass index | obesity | alcohol drinking | Australians | comparative study | men | refugees, male | fathers | health status | mental health status | immigrants, male | depression | longitudinal studies | logistic models | socioeconomic factors
    BMJ open ; vol. 7, no. 11
  • ART : 22039 : Not available for external loan
    Improving health literacy in refugee populations
    MJA Group
    Australia | refugees | health literacy | health services accessibility | communication barriers | interpreters | health personnel | acculturation | torture victims | emotional trauma | help seeking behaviour | Internet | information retrieval
    Medical journal of Australia ; vol. 204, no. 1