Show record 1 to 10 of 11 from RCT
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  • MON : 2011.209 : Not available for external loan
    Chronic pain : an integrated biobehavioral approach
    universal | chronic pain | pain measurement | treatment | pain management | neural pathways | psychology | disease models | psychological models | psychobiology | physiopathology | functioning | disability evaluation | psychophysiology | cognitive therapy | relaxation therapy | biofeedback | treatment outcome | outcome assessment (health care)
  • ART : 12171 : Not available for external loan
    Cortical reorganisation and chronic pain : implications for rehabilitation
    Foundation for Rehabilitation Information
    universal | review [publication type] | back pain | physiopathology | chronic pain | pain management | biofeedback | memory | drug therapy | brain | musculoskeletal diseases | neuronal plasticity | phantom limb | rehabilitation
    Journal of rehabilitation medicine ; suppl. 41
  • ART : 09322 : Not available for external loan
    The role of operant conditioning in chronic pain : an experimental investigation
    Germany | chronic pain | back pain | psychological extinction | operant conditioning | analysis of variance | pain measurement | verbal behaviour | muscle tonus | heart rate | electroencephalography | electrooculography | comparative study | pain threshold | psychology | physiology
    Pain ; vol. 95, no. 1-2
  • ART : 09322 : Not available for external loan
    The role of operant conditioning in chronic pain : an experimental investigation
    Germany | chronic pain | pain measurement | analysis of variance | verbal behaviour | operant conditioning | back pain | psychological extinction | pain threshold | electroencephalography | electromyography
    Pain ; vol. 95, no. 1-2
  • ART : 12239 : Not available for external loan
    Comparison of the efficacy of electromyographic biofeedback, cognitive-behavioral therapy, and conservative medical interventions in the treatment of chronic musculoskeletal pain
    Germany | back pain | chronic pain | cognitive therapy | electromyography | follow-up studies | patient dropouts | treatment outcome | therapy | biofeedback training | musculoskeletal diseases
    Journal of consulting and clinical psychology ; vol. 61, no. 4
  • ART : 12243 : Not available for external loan
    Efficacy of multidisciplinary pain treatment centers : a meta-analytic review
    universal | pain management | patient care team | meta-analysis [publication type] | review [publication type] | back pain | outcome assessment (health care) | chronic pain
    Pain ; vol. 49, no. 2
  • ART : 12259 : Not available for external loan
    Relationship of pain impact and significant other reinforcement of pain behaviors : the mediating role of gender, marital status and marital satisfaction
    Germany | United States | chronic pain | psychology | marital status | psychology | women | Cross-cultural comparison | Sex factors | reinforcement (psychology) | pain perception | Spouses
    Pain ; vol. 38, no. 1
  • ART : 12172 : Not available for external loan
    Psychophysiology of chronic pain : do chronic pain patients exhibit symptom-specific psychophysiological responses?
    universal | statistical information | review [publication type] | arousal | physiology | chronic pain | pain | physiopathology | psychophysiology | health
    Psychological bulletin ; vol. 105, no. 2
  • ART : 13596 : Not available for external loan
    Pain greater than pain behaviors : the utility and limitations of the pain behavior construct
    universal | chronic pain | Pain measurement | Sick role | pain perception | review [publication type]
    Pain ; vol. 31, no. 3
  • ART : 12241 : Not available for external loan
    Etiological theories and treatments for chronic back pain. II. Psychological models and interventions
    United States | universal | back pain | chronic pain | etiology | therapy | behaviour therapy | psychological stress | sick role | Psychoanalysis | prognosis | muscle relaxation | hypnosis | family | electromyography | cognition | biofeedback | review [publication type]
    Pain ; vol. 19, no. 3