| ART : 30780 : Not available for external loan
| Structural analysis of the Reactive-Proactive Aggression Questionnaire in population exposed to armed conflicts |
| English |
| 20220200 |
| American Psychological Association |
| Gómez, Diana | López Hincapié, José David | Giraldo Cardona, Luz Stella | Ugarriza, Juan E. | Herrera, Eduar | Trujillo, Natalia |
| Colombia | armed conflict effects | data collection | psychological assessment | psychometrics | aggression | civilian population, adult | war victims, adult | exposure to warfare effects | Extreme Experience Scale for Armed Conflict Contexts | Reactive-Proactive Aggression Questionnaire | former combatants, adult | reproducibility of results | construct validity | factor analysis, statistical | questionnaires | Colombians |
| Peace and conflict: journal of peace psychology ; vol. 28, no. 1 |
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