Show record 1 to 2 of 2 from RCT
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  • MON : 2019.051 : Not available for external loan
    Letters to the contrary : a curated history of the UNESCO Human Rights Survey
    Stanford University
    universal | China | USSR | human rights universality | disabled persons | children | freedom of thought | freedom of expression | right to information | education | prisoners | indigenous groups | Hinduism | Islam | colonialism | science | human duties | economic, social and cultural rights | language | cross-national comparison | Western world | political systems | communism | philosophy | travaux preparatoires | cultural diversity | cultural relativism | social surveys | jurisprudence | UN. Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948) | UNESCO | debate
  • MON : 2008.021 : Not available for external loan
    The practice of human rights : tracking law between the global and the local
    Cambridge University
    universal | Nepal | Bolivia | Mexico | Colombia | Myanmar | United States | Swaziland | Trafficking in persons | international instruments | conflict | business corporations | Land tenure | national law | Legal proceedings | indigenous groups | Power | political philosophy | international human rights law | Belief systems | political movements | violence | political systems | secularism | human rights