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  • ART : 32636 : Not available for external loan
    Impact of (forensic) expert opinions according to the Istanbul Protocol in Germany - results and insights of the in:Fo-project : reply to commentary of C. Cattaneo and L. Franceschetti
    forensic evaluation of torture effectiveness | medico-legal reports effectiveness | time factors | wounds and injuries | research needs | international cooperation | torture method-effect correlation effectiveness | visibility | accuracy | letter [publication type] | debate | universal
    International journal of legal medicine ; vol. 137
  • ART : 31916 : Not available for external loan
    Impact of (forensic) expert opinions according to the Istanbul Protocol in Germany : results and insights of the in:Fo-project
    forensic evaluation of torture effectiveness | medico-legal reports effectiveness | asylum proceedings | impact assessment | practice guidelines, medical effectiveness | Istanbul Protocol effectiveness | torture method-effect correlation effectiveness | credibility assessment effectiveness | regression analysis | statistical models | interdisciplinary aspects | psychological assessment | medical documentation of torture | practice patterns, medical | decision making | rating | physical effects of torture prevalence | torture method prevalence | questionnaires | Germany
    International journal of legal medicine ; vol. 137, no. 3