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  • TORT : 23.2.8 : Not available for external loan
    ‘I was lost in my life and they helped me find my way again’: Befriendee and befriender experiences of the Spirasi Befriending Programme for survivors of torture in Ireland
    torture victims treatment | NGO approaches | torture victims' role | social support | community-based interventions | friends' role | befriending | Spirasi-Irish National Centre for the Rehabilitation of Survivors of Torture | programme evaluation | refugees | victim participation | trust | adaptation | social adjustment | suicide prevention effectiveness | client satisfaction | focus groups | victim services | Ireland
    Torture : journal on rehabilitation of torture victims and prevention of torture ; vol. 33, no. 2
  • ART : 31926 : Not available for external loan
    Using composite case material to develop trauma‐informed psychoeducation for social care workers looking after unaccompanied minors in residential care in Ireland
    Ireland | refugee aid | social workers | psychoeducation | trauma-informed care | unaccompanied refugee minors, adolescent | traumatic exposure | clinical practice | training of social workers | teaching materials | needs assessment | social support
    Health and social care in the community ; vol. 30, no. 6
  • ART : 31604 : Not available for external loan
    Friends as family : using composite psychotherapy case material to explore the importance of friendships for unaccompanied adolescent refugees coping with the challenges of resettlement in Ireland
    Oxford University Press
    unaccompanied refugee minors, adolescent | coping behaviour | family separation effects | resettlement effects | friends' role | religiosity | psychotherapy | Ireland
    Journal of refugee studies ; vol. 35, no. 3