Show record 1 to 10 of 14 from RCT
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  • ART : 06108 : Not available for external loan
    Svensk förening för hälsa och mänskliga rättigheter vill ha kontakter
    health personnel | human rights | torture | violence | Sweden | health personnel | human rights | torture | violence | trauma | rehabilitation
    Läkartidningen ; vol. 94, no. 1-2
  • ART : 05298 : Not available for external loan
    Standardmall kan ge stöd i behandlingen
    Bosnia and Herzegovina | Sweden | statistical information | refugees | prisoners | mental health | prisoners of war | prisoners of war | trauma | PTSD | emotional trauma
    Läkartidningen ; vol. 93, nr. 47
  • ART : 06111 : Not available for external loan
    Standardmall kan ge stöd i behandlingen
    refugees | health services | torture | torture victims treatment | mental health | Sweden | statistical information | refugees | health services | torture | torture victims treatment | mental health | PTSD | effects | rehabilitation | emotional trauma | treatment models | research
    Läkartidningen ; vol. 93, no. 47
  • TORT : 93.4.19 : Not available for external loan
    [Mennesker, traumer og kriser]
    children | disasters | education | family | health | health personnel | health services | mental health | psychiatry | psychology | social welfare | torture | war crimes | Norway | Denmark | universal | book review [publication type] | children | emergencies | education | family | health | health personnel | health services | mental health | psychiatry | psychology | social welfare | torture | war crimes | trauma | hostages
    Torture : quarterly journal on rehabilitation of torture victims and prevention of torture ; vol. 3, no. 4
  • TORT : 92.2.2 : Not available for external loan
    Doctors must cooperate to diagnose torture
    asylum seekers | health | health personnel | health services | information handling | legal assistance | mental health | right to seek asylum | torture | torture victims | wounds and injuries | Sweden | asylum seekers | health | health personnel | health services | information handling | legal aid | mental health | right of asylum | torture | torture victims | wounds and injuries | cases | physical torture | torture methods | physical effects | statements
    Torture : quarterly journal on rehabilitation of torture victims and prevention of torture ; vol. 2, no. 2
  • ART : 00941 : Not available for external loan
    Utamför mänskliga upplevelser
    universal | statistical information | refugees | torture victims | symptoms | trauma | diagnosis | PTSD | forensic medicine | rehabilitation
  • ART : 02475 : Not available for external loan
    Broad cooperation necessary for the diagnosis and treatment of injuries due to torture
    torture effects | typescript | wounds and injuries | forensic evaluation of torture | torture victims treatment | interdisciplinary treatment approach | forensic photography | physical effects of torture | medicolegal reports | interpreters | confidentiality | medical participation in torture | attitude of health personnel | malingering | sexual dysfunctions, physiological | electric torture | South American refugees | sexual torture | torture victims, male | women | men | torture victims, female | Middle Eastern refugees | Eastern African refugees | Central African refugees | Iranian refugees | former political detainees | torture methods | case report [publication type] | medical history taking | PTSD | mental disorders | treatment models | asylum seekers | Swedish Red Cross | treatment centres | refugees | torture statistics | physical examination | Sweden
  • ART : 00712 : Not available for external loan
    Köpenhamnsbaserat internationellt organ spårar läkare som medverkat vid tortyr
    universal | Denmark | torture | torture victims | torture victims treatment | RCT | doctors' participation | accountability | medical ethics
    Läkartidningen ; vol. 88, no. 25
  • ART : 02474 : Not available for external loan
    Brett samarbete nödvändigt för diagnostik och behandling av tortyrskador
    health | torture | torture victims | torture victims treatment | health personnel | refugees | Sweden | health | torture | torture victims | torture victims treatment | health personnel | refugees | diagnosis | physical examination | forensic medicine | cases | torture methods | refugees | Röda Korsets frivilliggrupp för torterade asylsökande | asylum seekers | torture victims | physical torture | effects | affidavits | photographs
    Läkartidningen ; vol. 88, no. 49
  • ART : 00713 : Not available for external loan
    Socialmedicinsk och rättmedicinsk bedömning av torterade och misshandlade asylsökande
    Sweden | statistical information | asylum | torture victims | refugees | human rights | Red Cross
    Socialmedicinsk tidskrift ; no. 1