Show record 1 to 2 of 2 from RCT
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  • ART : 30067 : Not available for external loan
    Intimate partner violence and associated risk factors among youth in the slums of Kampala
    Uganda | domestic violence epidemiology | Kampala (Uganda) | psychometrics | Homelessness Scale | Neighborhood Cohesiveness and Safety Scale | Safer Sex Messages Intervention Questionnaire | AIDS Indicator Survey | Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT) | Intimate Partner Violence Scale | CAGE Questionnaire | risk-taking | alcohol drinking | exposure to violence | determinants of perpetration | victimisation | cross-sectional study [publication type] | Ugandans, adolescent | risk factors | poverty areas | urban areas
    Journal of interpersonal violence ; vol. 36, no. 21-22
  • ART : 28550 : Not available for external loan
    The effects of limited work opportunities on transitions to adulthood among young refugees in Uganda and Jordan
    Oxford University Press
    Uganda | Jordan | refugees, child | refugees, adolescent | refugees, young adult | adolescent development | child development | risk factors | socioeconomic factors | personal autonomy | access to labour market | employment | exile | resettlement | social recognition | refugee camps | urban areas | developing countries | adulthood | poverty | Somali refugees | Congolese refugees | Syrian refugees | Palestinian refugees | Iraqi refugees | contextual analysis | coping behaviour
    Journal of refugee studies ; vol. 34, no. 2