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ART : 01646 : Not available for external loan | |
Long-term physical and psychological sequelae of torture on 44 victims examined in the United States | |
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[s.n.] | |
Randall, Glenn R. | Lutz, Ellen L. | Quiroga, Jose | Zunzunegui, Maria Victoria | Kolff, Cornelis A. | eutsch, Ana | Doan, Roscius N. | |
torture effects | typescript | medical doctor's role | research needs | interviewing | torture syndrome | prevalence of torture | emotional numbing | reexperiencing | forensic evaluation of torture | research subjects | data collection | research constraints | submarino, dry [torture method] | planton [torture method] | telefono [torture method] | sexual torture | bandera, la [torture method] | potro [torture method] | parilla [torture method] | picana electrica [torture instrument] | suspension [torture method] | submarino, wet [torture method] | stretching [torture method] | chronic disease | anxiety | personality change | learning disorders | attention | depression | fatigue | intrusive thoughts | social isolation | sleep disorders | nightmares | memory disorders | visual perception | leg pain | abdominal pain | migraine disorders | asthenia | back pain | Chilean refugees | case report [publication type] | patient care team | life change events | former political detainees | medical history taking | multicentre study | psychological torture | physical torture | beatings | torture purposes | torture definition | comparative study [publication type] | PTSD | diagnosis | mental disorders | psychological assessment | physical examination | skin injuries | burning [torture method] | electric torture | scars | wounds and injuries | torture diagnosis | torture methods | psychological effects of torture | physical effects of torture | torture victims | refugees | long-term effects | Central America | South America | United States | Chile | |