Show record 1 to 3 of 3 from RCT
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  • ART : 32642 : Not available for external loan
    A randomized controlled trial of Deep Brain Reorienting : a neuroscientifically guided treatment for post-traumatic stress disorder
    Taylor and Francis
    Canada | PTSD therapy | psychotherapeutic techniques | treatment outcome | randomised controlled trial [publication type] | neurophysiology | brain | traumatic exposure effects | telemedicine | psychotherapeutic processes | Childhood Trauma Questionnaire (CTQ) | Mini-International Neuropsychiatric Interview (MINI) | dropouts | psychometrics | Clinician Administered PTSD Scale (CAPS-5) | videoconferencing, clinical | Internet-based intervention
    European journal of psychotraumatology ; vol. 14, no. 2
  • ART : 24419 : Not available for external loan
    Mindfulness-based treatments for posttraumatic stress disorder : a review of the treatment literature and neurobiological evidence
    universal | PTSD | biological neural networks | meditation | biomarkers | emotional trauma | brain | neuroimaging | neurobiology | review [publication type] | treatment outcome | stress management | mindfulness | cognitive therapy
    Journal of psychiatry and neuroscience : JPN ; vol. 43, no. 1
  • ART : 09173 : Not available for external loan
    Neural correlates of traumatic memories in posttraumatic stress disorder : a functional MRI investigation
    American Psychiatric Association
    United States | PTSD | epidemiology | physiopathology | memory | brain | substance-related disorders | prevalence | panic disorder | dysthymic disorder | depressive disorder, major | comorbidity | rape victims | survivors | accidents | crime victims | neurophysiology | neuroimaging | beatings | effects
    American journal of psychiatry ; vol. 158, no. 11