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ART : 33027 : Not available for external loan | |
The impact of postresettlement stressors and access to health care on health outcomes in recently resettled refugees in the United States | |
English | |
20230000 | |
American Psychological Association | |
Lardier, David T. | Hess, Julia | Winter, Lucas | Goodkind, Jessica R. | |
refugees, adult | health status | social determinants of health | health insurance | stressors | postmigration factors | health services accessibility | resettlement effects | emotional distress | health disparities | socioeconomic factors | social support | doctor-patient relations | communication barriers | social stress | psychometrics | Hopkins Symptom Checklist-25 | Multi-Sector Social Support Inventory Scale | Economic Stress Scale Test | WHO Quality of Life Scale (WHOQoL) | United States | |
American journal of orthopsychiatry ; vol. 93, no. 6 | |
ART : 30846 : Not available for external loan | |
Geocultural variation in correlates of psychological distress among refugees resettled in the United States | |
English | |
20221000 | |
Wiley-Blackwell | |
Blackwell, Meredith A. | Lardier, David T. | Choe, Ryeora | Goodkind, Jessica R. | |
United States | resettlement effects | refugees | postmigration factors | distress | sociocultural factors | country of origin | mental disorders | symptoms | Afghan refugees | African refugees | Iraqi refugees | Syrian refugees | depression epidemiology | anxiety epidemiology | PTSD epidemiology | traumatic exposure | multiple traumatic events | income | socioeconomic factors | length of stay | time factors | age factors | sex factors | Perceived English proficiency | social adjustment | language | Adolescent Self-Report Trauma Questionnaire | WHO Quality of Life Assessment (WHOQOL) | Satisfaction with Resources Scale | personal satisfaction | Multi-Sector Social Support Inventory Scale (MSSSI) | social support | Hopkins Symptom Checklist (HSC-25) | PTSD Symptom Checklist–Civilian Version (PCL-C) | psychometrics | risk factors | mental health status | quality of life | |
Journal of traumatic stress ; vol. 35, no. 5 | |