Show record 1 to 3 of 3 from RCT
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  • ART : 28471 : Not available for external loan
    Demanding and effective: participants’ experiences of internet-delivered prolonged exposure provided within two months after exposure to trauma
    Taylor and Francis
    Sweden | exposure therapy | traumatic exposure | psychotherapeutic techniques | Internet | telemedicine | treatment outcome | patient satisfaction | early intervention (health) | PTSD therapy | comparative study | waiting lists | traumatic memory | self disclosure | shame | pilot projects | feasibility studies | stress disorders, traumatic, acute | psychoeducation | psychometrics | Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview (MINI)
    European journal of psychotraumatology ; vol. 12, no. 1
  • ART : 26347 : Not available for external loan
    A single case series using visuospatial task interference to reduce the number of visual intrusive memories of trauma with refugees
    Sweden | refugees, adult | PTSD | emotional trauma | psychological interventions | brief interventions | telepsychology | mobile phones | traumatic memory | cues | feasibility studies | behaviour therapy
    Clinical psychology and psychotherapy ; vol. 28, no. 1
  • ART : 23388 : Not available for external loan
    'I can't concentrate' : a feasibility study with young refugees in Sweden on developing science-driven interventions for intrusive memories related to trauma
    Cambridge University Press
    Sweden | refugees | young adult | war victims | attention | memory | mental recall | mental health | PTSD | cognitive therapy
    Behavioural and cognitive psychotherapy ; vol. 45, no. 2