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  • Sobh, Jade(1)
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  • Blindfolding(1)
  • Business corporations(1)
  • Cramped confinement [torture method](1)
  • Dietary manipulation(1)
  • Food policy(1)
  • Forced nudity(1)
  • Genitalia, male(1)
  • Government policy(1)
  • Humiliation(1)
  • Interrogation techniques(1)
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  • MON : 2019.102 : Not available for external loan
    How America tortures
    Seton Hall University. School of Law
    torture methods | personal narratives | threats to family members | fluid therapy | rectum | nutrition therapy | sociocultural factors | Muslims, male | torturers, female | rape victims, male | rape | genitalia, male | electric torture | humiliation | sexual abuse | psychotropic drugs adverse effects | drug administration, non-therapeutic | cramped confinement [torture method] | cramped confinement [torture method] | wall-standing [torture method] | practice guidelines | Guantanamo Bay detention camp (United States) | walling [torture method] | suspension [torture method] | physiological stress | combined modality torture | psychotic disorders | mood disorders | mental disorders | pain threshold | research | animal experimentation | hallucinations | psychological effects of torture | torture method terminology | sleep wake disorders | time factors | torture purposes | physiological effects of torture | vomiting | food policy | dietary manipulation | water dousing [torture method] | temperature, cold | conditioning (psychology) | anal canal | body searches | psychologist complicity in torture | psychological interview on admission | physical effects of torture | back pain | suffering | medical supervision of torture | sensory deprivation | medical examination on admission | prisoner transport | deprivation [torture method] | blindfolding | hooding [torture method] | complicity in torture | extraordinary rendition | abduction | declassified documents | data sources | hypothermia, induced | cases | death from torture | learned helplessness | effects on perpetrators | waterboarding | positional torture | resistance (psychology) | solitary confinement | shackling | physical restraint | music torture | light | environmental stress | sleep deprivation [torture method] | forced nudity | psychological stress | detention centres | incommunicado detention | prisoner transfer | legal defences | legal counsel | lawyer's participation | military personnel | SERE (Survival Evasion Resistance Escape) | Mitchell, James | Joint Personnel Recovery Agency (JPRA) | business corporations | programme development | CIA | Bush, George W (Administration of) | government policy | war on terror | interrogation techniques | torture imagery | United States | Pakistan | Afghanistan | Thailand
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