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  • ART : 18181 : Not available for external loan
    Cambridge University
    universal | head of state | accountability | human rights violations | torture | war crimes | corruption | prosecution | statistical information | case studies | international criminal law
    Prosecuting heads of state / Ellen L. Lutz, Caitlin Reiger (eds.). - ISBN: 978-0-521-75670-9
  • ART : 18184 : Not available for external loan
    Cambridge University
    Central America | South America | Europe | United States | universal | head of state | accountability | human rights violations | torture | war crimes | corruption | prosecution | universal jurisdiction | statistical information | norm transfer | international cooperation | politics | impunity
    Prosecuting heads of state / Ellen L. Lutz, Caitlin Reiger (eds.). - ISBN: 978-0-521-75670-9
  • ART : 18182 : Not available for external loan
    Prosecutions of heads of state in Europe
    Cambridge University
    Eastern Europe | Western Europe | Europe | head of state | ICC | UN. Convention Against Torture And Other Cruel Inhuman Or Degrading Treatment Or Punishment (1984) | transitional justice | international criminal law | Nazis | ICTY | UN. International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia | International Criminal Court (ICC) | accountability | universal jurisdiction | prosecution | corruption | war crimes | torture | human rights violations | UNCAT
    Prosecuting heads of state / Ellen L. Lutz, Caitlin Reiger (eds.). - ISBN: 978-0-521-75670-9
  • ART : 18185 : Not available for external loan
    Appendix : list of prosecutions of heads of state or government January 1990 to June 2008
    Cambridge University
    19900000-20080000 | universal | head of state | accountability | human rights violations | torture | war crimes | corruption | prosecution | transitional justice | review [publication type]
    Prosecuting heads of state / Ellen L. Lutz, Caitlin Reiger (eds.). - ISBN: 978-0-521-75670-9
  • ART : 12776 : Not available for external loan
    International human rights law and practice in Latin America
    Cambridge University Press
    Central America | South America | Uruguay | Paraguay | Argentina | Honduras | Guatemala | state compliance | OAS. American Convention on Human Rights (1969) | ACHR | UNCAT | UN. International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (1966) | ICCPR | OAS. Inter-American Convention to Prevent and Punish Torture (1985) | ACPT | case studies | human rights | human rights violations | treaties | torture | disappeared persons | civil and political rights | case law | international human rights law | politics | UN. Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (1984)
    International organization ; vol. 54, no. 3
  • MON : 1992.016 : Not available for external loan
    Serving survivors of torture : a practical manual for health professionals and other service providers
    American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)
    universal | psychological effects | physical effects | children | physical examination | psychotherapy | self-help techniques | documentation | torture | torture victims | torture victims treatment | information
  • ART : 02149 : Not available for external loan
    After the elections : compensating victims of human rights abuses
    University of Pennsylvania
    universal | human rights violations | victims | compensation | health status
    New directions in human rights
  • ART : 01646 : Not available for external loan
    Long-term physical and psychological sequelae of torture on 44 victims examined in the United States
    torture effects | typescript | medical doctor's role | research needs | interviewing | torture syndrome | prevalence of torture | emotional numbing | reexperiencing | forensic evaluation of torture | research subjects | data collection | research constraints | submarino, dry [torture method] | planton [torture method] | telefono [torture method] | sexual torture | bandera, la [torture method] | potro [torture method] | parilla [torture method] | picana electrica [torture instrument] | suspension [torture method] | submarino, wet [torture method] | stretching [torture method] | chronic disease | anxiety | personality change | learning disorders | attention | depression | fatigue | intrusive thoughts | social isolation | sleep disorders | nightmares | memory disorders | visual perception | leg pain | abdominal pain | migraine disorders | asthenia | back pain | Chilean refugees | case report [publication type] | patient care team | life change events | former political detainees | medical history taking | multicentre study | psychological torture | physical torture | beatings | torture purposes | torture definition | comparative study [publication type] | PTSD | diagnosis | mental disorders | psychological assessment | physical examination | skin injuries | burning [torture method] | electric torture | scars | wounds and injuries | torture diagnosis | torture methods | psychological effects of torture | physical effects of torture | torture victims | refugees | long-term effects | Central America | South America | United States | Chile