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ART : 17491 : Not available for external loan | |
A pilot randomized controlled trial of interpersonal psychotherapy for Sudanese refugees in Cairo, Egypt | |
English | |
20140500 | |
American Psychological Association | |
Meffert, Susan M | Abdo, Akram Osman | Alla, Omayma Ahmed Abd | Elmakki, Yasir Omer Mustafa | Omer, Afrah Abdelrahim | Yousif, Sahar | Metzler, Thomas J | Marmar, Charles R | |
Egypt | Sudanese refugees | PTSD | depression | anger | randomised controlled trial | brief psychotherapy | treatment outcome | psychometrics | Harvard Trauma Questionnaire (HTQ) | Beck Depression Inventory (BDI-II) | Conflict Tactics Scales (CTS) | State-Trait Anger Inventory | |
Psychological trauma: theory, research, practice, and policy ; vol. 6, no. 3 | |
ART : 21630 : Not available for external loan | |
The impact of killing on mental health symptoms in Gulf War veterans | |
English | |
20110300 | |
American Psychological Association | |
Maguen, Shira | Vogt, Dawne S. | King, Lynda A. | King, Daniel W. | Litz, Brett T. | Knight, Sara J. | Marmar, Charles R. | |
United States | military personnel | veterans | armed conflict | psychological effects | killings | PTSD | depressive disorder | symptoms | effects on perpetrators | alcoholism | mental health | determinants of perpetration | perpetrators | witnesses | combat disorders | |
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Psychological trauma : theory, research, practice, and policy ; vol. 3, no. 1 | |
ART : 17490 : Not available for external loan | |
Feelings of betrayal by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees and emotionally distressed Sudanese refugees in Cairo | |
English | |
20100400 | |
Taylor and Francis | |
Meffert, Susan M | Musalo, Karen | Abdo, Akram Osman | Alla, Omayma Ahmed Abd | Elmakki, Yasir Omer Mustafa | Omer, Afrah Abdelrahim | Yousif, Sahar | Metzler, Thomas J | Marmar, Charles R | |
Egypt | Sudanese refugees | anger | arousal | deception | psychotherapy | PTSD | UNHCR | |
Medicine, conflict and survival ; vol. 26, no. 2 | |
ART : 11446 : Not available for external loan | |
The impact of reported direct and indirect killing on mental health symptoms in Iraq war veterans | |
English | |
20100200 | |
Wiley-Blackwell | |
Maguen, Shira | Lucenko, Barbara A. | Reger, Mark A. | Gahm, Gregory A. | Litz, Brett T. | Seal, Karen H. | Knight, Sara J. | Marmar, Charles R. | |
United States | military personnel | killings | effects on perpetrators | armed conflict | veterans | perpetrators | PTSD | mass screening | mental disorders | symptoms | alcoholism | anger | depressive disorder | family relations | |
Journal of traumatic stress ; vol. 23, no. 1 | |
ART : 15932 : Not available for external loan | |
Darfur refugees in Cairo : mental health and interpersonal conflict in the aftermath of genocide | |
English | |
20091100 | |
Sage | |
Meffert, Susan M. | Marmar, Charles R. | |
Egypt | Sudan | Sudanese refugees | aggression | depressive disorder | domestic violence | diagnosis | epidemiology | ethnology | parenting | PTSD | interpersonal relations | mental health services | needs assessment | conflict (psychology) | psychotherapy | |
Full text (free to in-house users) | |
Journal of interpersonal violence ; vol. 24, no. 11 | |
ART : 05439 : Not available for external loan | |
Trauma and dissociation | |
English | |
19970700 | |
United States. National Center for PTSD | |
Marmar, Charles R. | |
universal | dissociative disorders | psychotherapy | psychoanalysis | diagnostic self evaluation | questionnaires | veterans | review [publication type] | |
Full text | |
PTSD research quarterly ; vol. 8, no. 3 | |
ART : 07596 : Not available for external loan | |
Characteristics of emergency services personnel related to peritraumatic dissociation during critical incident exposure | |
English | |
19960700 | |
Marmar, Charles R. | Weiss, Daniel S. | Metzler, Thomas J. | Delucchi, Kevin | |
United States | emergency responders | health personnel | psychological stress | diagnosis | dissociative disorders | etiology | disasters | PTSD | self concept | personality inventory | adaptation | internal-external control | fantasy | age factors | logistic models | coping behaviour | predisposition | |
American journal of psychiatry; vol. 153, no. 7 supplement | |
ART : 07594 : Not available for external loan | |
Predicting symptomatic distress in emergency services personnel | |
English | |
19950600 | |
Weiss, Daniel S. | Marmar, Charles R. | Metzler, Thomas J. | Ronfeldt, Heidi M. | |
United states | dissociative disorders | emergency responders | occupational diseases | PTSD | diagnosis | disasters | adaptation | social support | |
Journal of consulting and clinical psychology ; vol. 63, no. 3 | |
ART : 07412 : Not available for external loan | |
Dynamic psychotherapy of post-traumatic stress disorder | |
English | |
19950000 | |
Lippencott - Raven | |
Marmar, Charles R. | Weiss, Daniel S. | Pynoos, Robert S. | |
health | mental health | universal | health | mental health | PTSD | emotional trauma | psychosocial factors | torture victims treatment | psychotherapy | |
Neurobiological and clinical consequences of stress : from normal adaption to post-traumatic stress disorder / Matthew J. Friedman, Dennis S. Charney, Ariel Y. Deutch (eds.). - ISBN: 0-7817-0177-5 | |
ART : 17819 : Not available for external loan | |
Problems in families of male Vietnam veterans with posttraumatic stress disorder | |
English | |
19921200 | |
Jordan, B. Kathleen | Marmar, Charles R. | Fairbank, John A. | Schlenger, William E. | Kulka, Richard A. | Hough, Richard L. | Weiss, Daniel S. | |
United States | veterans | adaptation | PTSD | combat disorders | family | war | psychological effects | spouses | interpersonal relations | children | parent-child relations | |
Journal of consulting and clinical psychology ; vol. 60, no. 6 | |