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  • MON : 1997.178 : Not available for external loan
    The Raoul Wallenberg Institute compilation of human rights instruments
    Martinus Nijhoff
    universal | human rights | race | women | children | ethnic and national groups | refugees | asylum | asylum seekers | right to development | right to education | employment | juvenile justice | criminal justice | crime victims | torture | punishment | treaties | international instruments | death penalty | lawyers | judges | international crimes | international human rights law | international criminal law | legal protection
  • MON : 1987.212 : Not available for external loan
    Politiska fångar
    disappeared persons | refugees | human rights | human rights violations | missing persons | NGOs | organisations | right to justice | torture | universal | disappeared persons | refugees | human rights | human rights violations | missing persons | NGOs | organisations | political detainees | right to justice | torture
    Svenska Röda Korset