Show record 1 to 6 of 6 from RCT
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  • ART : 09608 : Not available for external loan
    Neuropathic pain after C7 spinal nerve transection in man
    United States | neuropathic pain | hyperalgesia | neuralgia | diagnosis | etiology | spinal nerve injuries | physical stimulation | pain threshold | temperature, hot | temperature, cold
    Pain ; vol. 96, no. 1-2
  • ART : 07722 : Not available for external loan
    Spatial mapping of the zone of secondary hyperalgesia reveals a gradual decline of pain with distance but sharp borders
    United States | hyperalgesia | physiopathology | pain measurement | physical stimulation | reference values
    Pain ; vol. 86, no. 1-2
  • ART : 07593 : Not available for external loan
    Mechanical hyperalgesia after an L5 spinal nerve lesion in the rat is not dependent on input from injured nerve fibers
    United states | spinal nerves | spinal nerve injuries | physiopathology | nerve fibres | physiology | hyperalgesia | wallerian degeneration | rhizotomy | physical stimulation | pain threshold | pain measurement | neurons
    Pain ; vol. 85, no. 3
  • ART : 07475 : Not available for external loan
    Secondary hyperalgesia persists in capsaicin desensitized skin
    United States | hyperalgesia | physiopathology | allodynia | nociceptors | skin | physical stimulation | pain threshold | temperature, hot
    Pain; vol. 84, no. 2-3
  • ART : 05509 : Not available for external loan
    Peripheral neural mechanisms of nociception
    Churchill Livingstone
    universal | pain | hyperalgesia | nociceptors | pain perception | skin | nervous system | neurology
    Textbook of pain (3rd. ed) / Patrick D. Wall, Ronald Melzack (eds.)
  • ART : 04916 : Not available for external loan
    Peripheral and central mechanisms of cutaneous hyperalgesia
    universal | hyperalgesia | etiology | physiopathology | nerve fibres | review [publication type] | neurons | skin temperature | skin diseases | skin injuries | physical stimulation | nociceptors
    Progress in neurobiology ; vol. 38, no. 4