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  • ART : 29271 : Not available for external loan
    Impact evaluation of the evidence-based trauma stabilisation programme for refugee, asylum seeking and immigrant families
    Germany | Bulgaria | psychodrama | family therapy | treatment outcome | programme evaluation | outcome assessment (health care) | evidence based approaches | emotional trauma | refugees | asylum seekers | immigrants | family | offspring, child | PTSD therapy | mothers | depression | dissociation | symptoms | psychometrics | Refugee Interview Questionnaire (RIQ) | Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) | Self-assessment checklist for PTSD symptoms, (PCL-5) | Children Refugee Interview Questionnaire (cRIQ) | Trauma Symptoms Checklist for Young Children (TSCYC) | Children Stress Checklist (cPC)
    Zeitschrift für Psychodrama und Soziometrie ; vol. 19