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MON : 2021.025 : Not available for external loan | |
The right to do wrong : morality and the limits of law | |
English | |
20190000 | |
Harvard University | |
Osiel, Mark | |
978-0-674-36825-5 | |
abuse of rights | social control, informal | social norms | resistance | social change | human rights | public opinion | social stigma | individual responsibility | social values | attitude of lawyers | jurisprudence | social sciences | law | social mores | morality | universal | |
MON : 2009.175 : Not available for external loan | |
The end of reciprocity : terror, torture, and the law of war | |
English | |
20090000 | |
Cambridge University | |
Osiel, Mark | |
0521730147 | |
universal | international humanitarian law | international human rights law | reciprocity | Counterterrorism | terrorism | Torture justifiability | armed conflict | Torture | |
MON : 1999.092 : Not available for external loan | |
Mass atrocity, collective memory and the law | |
English | |
19970000 | |
Transaction | |
Osiel, Mark | |
1-56000-322-7 | |
universal | armed conflict | law | trials | war crimes | morality | social aspects | memory | mass killings | collective memory | impunity | World War 2 | dictatorship | prosecution | transition to democracy | |