Show record 1 to 10 of 22 from RCT
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  • ART : 22091 : Not available for external loan
    Patient expectations for a multimodal pain rehabilitation programme : active participation and coping skills : a qualitative study
    Informa Healthcare
    Sweden | chronic pain | rehabilitation | patient participation | patient preference | combined modality therapy | coping behaviour | patient education | activities of daily living | professional-client relations | DIGNITY staff publications
    Disability and rehabilitation ; vol. 38, no. 21
  • ART : 18344 : Not available for external loan
    Tortured refugees' expectations of a multidisciplinary pain rehabilitation program : an explorative qualitative study
    Foundation for Rehabilitation Information
    Denmark | refugees | Torture victims, male | men | health services | rehabilitation | patient care team | expectations | patient satisfaction | pain management | professional-client relations | Rehabilitation and Research Centre for Torture Victims | RCT
    Journal of rehabilitation medicine ; vol. 45, no. 3
  • ART : 18347 : Not available for external loan
    Pain when walking : individual sensory profiles in the foot soles of torture victims - a controlled study using quantitative sensory testing
    BioMed Central
    Denmark | torture victims | Torture | pain | Foot | beatings | falanga [torture method] | Physical effects | central nervous system sensitisation | controlled clinical trial [publication type]
    BMC international health and human rights ; vol. 12:40
  • ART : 18481 : Not available for external loan
    Sensory functions in the foot soles in victims of generalized torture, in victims also beaten under the feet (falanga) and in healthy controls - a blinded study using quantitative sensory testing
    BioMed Central
    Denmark | torture victims | Torture | pain | Foot | beatings | falanga [torture method] | Physical effects | central nervous system sensitisation | controlled clinical trial [publication type]
    BMC international health and human rights ; vol. 12:39
  • ART : 17191 : Not available for external loan
    Using data from Multidimensional Pain Inventory subscales to assess functioning in pain rehabilitation
    Lippincott Williams and Wilkins
    universal | chronic pain | Treatment | rehabilitation | quality of life | assessment instruments | Multidimensional Pain Inventory
    International journal of rehabilitation research ; vol. 34, no. 1
  • ART : 17332 : Not available for external loan
    Computer-aided surface estimation of pain drawings - intra- and inter-rater reliability
    Dove Medical
    Denmark | Pain measurement | chronic pain | assessment | Reproducibility of results
    Journal of pain research ; vol. 2011:4
  • ART : 17526 : Not available for external loan
    An increased response to experimental muscle pain is related to psychological status in women with chronic non-traumatic neck-shoulder pain
    BioMed Central
    universal | Sweden | pain | muscles | shoulder pain | Neck pain | pain threshold | Pain measurement | women
    BMC musculoskeletal disorders ; 12:230
  • ART : 16682 : Not available for external loan
    Self-reported activity in tortured refugees with long-term sequelae including pain and the impact of foot pain from falanga : a cross-sectional study
    Informa Healthcare
    Denmark | refugees | torture victims | Torture methods | falanga [torture method] | Physical effects | chronic pain | Etiology | rehabilitation | Pain measurement | Foot injuries | sensation disorders | Activity limitations | disability evaluation | assessment | Disability Rating Index (DRI) | cross-sectional studies | follow-up studies | diagnostic self evaluation
    Disability and rehabilitation ; vol. 33, no. 7
  • ART : 17035 : Not available for external loan
    Trained long-term TENS users with chronic non-malignant pain : a retrospective questionnaire study of TENS usage and patients’ experiences
    Sweden | pain | Treatment | Transcutaneous electric nerve stimulation | cross-sectional study [publication type]
    Physical therapy reviews ; vol. 15, no. 4
  • ART : 17042 : Not available for external loan
    Sjukgymnastiska behandlingsmetoder
    universal | pain | Treatment | Physiotherapy
    Smärta och smärtbehandling / Werner, Mads; Leden, Ido (red.). Stockholm: Liber. - ISBN 978-91-47-08413-5