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ART : 23243 : Not available for external loan | |
Causal attributions of mental health problems and depressive symptoms among older Somali refugees in Finland | |
English | |
20170400 | |
Sage | |
Kuittinen, Saija | Molsa, Mulki | Punamaki, Raija-Leena | Tiilikainen, Marja | Honkasalo, Marja-Liisa | |
Finland | health status | mental health | Somali refugees | elderly | causality | premigration factors | postmigration factors | emotional trauma | war victims | adult | depression | acculturation | quality of life | questionnaires | ethnology | |
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Transcultural psychiatry ; vol. 54, no. 2 | |
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ART : 23012 : Not available for external loan | |
Psychosocial group intervention among war-affected children : an analysis of changes in posttraumatic cognitions | |
English | |
20161200 | |
Wiley-Blackwell | |
Kangaslampi,Samuli | Punamaki, Raija-Leena | Qouta, Samir | Diab, Marwan | Peltonen, Kirsi | |
Palestine, State of | post-traumatic stress | symptoms | recovery (disorders) | determinants | psychosocial interventions | children | war victims | Palestinians | depression | cognition | mental health | health status | Gaza Strip | |
Journal of traumatic stress ; vol. 29, no. 6 | |
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ART : 20821 : Not available for external loan | |
Resilience among children in war : the role of multilevel social factors | |
English | |
20141200 | |
American Psychological Association | |
Peltonen, Kirsi | Qouta, Samir R. | Diab, Marwan | Punamaki, Raija-Leena | |
Palestine, State of | armed conflict | psychological resilience | protective factors | children | adolescents | sex factors | interpersonal relations | peer group | adolescent development | child development | Palestinians | |
Traumatology ; vol. 20, no. 4 | |
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ART : 19578 : Not available for external loan | |
Mental and somatic health and pre- and post-migration factors among older Somali refugees in Finland | |
English | |
20140800 | |
Sage | |
Molsa, Mulki | Punamaki, Raija-Leena | Saarni, Samuli I. | Tiilikainen, Marja | Kuittinen, Saija | Honkasalo, Marja-Liisa | |
Finland | health status | psychological stress | Sami people | Somalis | hypochondriasis | somatoform disorders | sleep | questionnaires | quality of life | depression | mental health | adult | war victims | emotional trauma | postmigration factors | premigration factors | cross-cultural comparison | elderly | Somali refugees | ethnology | |
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Transcultural psychiatry ; vol. 51, no. 4 | |
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