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ART : 18863 : Not available for external loan | |
Preliminary findings concerning the use of prazosin for the treatment of posttraumatic nightmares in a refugee population | |
English | |
20091100 | |
Lippincott Williams and Wilkins | |
Boynton, Lorin | Bentley, Jacob | Strachan, Eric | Barbato, Anna | Raskind, Murray | |
United States | case reports | clinical trial [publication type] | refugees | PTSD | drug therapy | dreams | retrospective studies | |
Journal of psychiatric practice ; vol. 15, no. 6 | |
ART : 06790 : Not available for external loan | |
Analysis of violent behavior in Vietnam combat veteran psychiatric inpatients with posttraumatic stress disorder | |
English | |
19990700 | |
McFall, Miles | Fontana, Alan | Raskind, Murray | Rosenheck, Robert | |
United States | veterans | violence | aggression | PTSD | patient acceptance of health care | mental disorders | substance-related disorders | inpatients | psychiatric status rating scales | diagnosis, dual (psychiatry) | comorbidity | case-control studies | antisocial behaviour | treatment | regression analysis | factor analysis, statistical | |
Journal of traumatic stress ; vol. 12, no. 3 | |
ART : 10575 : Not available for external loan | |
Multidimensional assessment of anger in Vietnam veterans with posttraumatic stress disorder | |
English | |
19990500 | |
Elsevier | |
McFall, Miles E. | Wright, Priscilla W. | Donovan, Dennis M. | Raskind, Murray | |
United States | Veterans | PTSD | Vietnam war | Combat disorders | Diagnosis | Psychiatric status rating scales | Sensitivity and specificity | Drug abuse | Anger | |
Comprehensive psychiatry ; vol. 40, no. 3 | |