| ART : 23229 : Not available for external loan
| The impact of PTSD on functioning in patients seeking treatment for chronic pain and validation of the Posttraumatic Diagnostic Scale |
| English |
| 20170400 |
| Springer |
| Åkerblom, Sophia | Perrin, Sean | Rivano Fischer, Marcelo | Mccracken, Lance M. |
| Sweden | emotional trauma | Posttraumatic Diagnostic Scale (PDS) | diagnosis | functioning | mass screening | psychometrics | translations | PTSD | chronic pain | assessment | questionnaires | validation studies | anxiety | phobias | hospitalisation | self report | depression | attitude to health | rating scales | test validity | reproducibility of results | quality of life | comorbidity | reexperiencing | avoidance | emotional numbing | arousal |
| Full text in open access |
| International journal of behavioral medicine ; vol. 24, no. 3 |
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