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MON : 2018.023 : Not available for external loan | |
The body remembers : volume 2 : revolutionizing trauma treatment | |
English | |
20170000 | |
W.W. Norton | |
Rothschild, Babette | |
978-0-393-70729-8 | |
universal | emotional trauma | adverse effects | yoga | mindfulness | peripheral nervous system | biomarkers | arousal | autonomic nervous system | reexperiencing | memory | outcome assessment (health care) | quality of life | treatment outcome | manual | treatment models | psychotherapeutic processes | PTSD | psychotherapy | |
MON : 2010.113 : Not available for external loan | |
8 keys to safe trauma recovery : take-charge strategies to empower your healing | |
English | |
20100000 | |
W.W. Norton | |
Rothschild, Babette | |
0393706052 | |
universal | forgiveness | exercise | hallucinations | shame | mindfulness | emotional trauma | social support | empowerment | mental healing | self help techniques | treatment | emotional trauma | |
MON : 2010.234 : Not available for external loan | |
Help for the helper : the psychophysiology of compassion fatigue and vicarious trauma | |
English | |
20060000 | |
W.W. Norton | |
Rothschild, Babette | Rand, Marjorie | |
039370422X | |
universal | working conditions | burnout | psychological stress | empathy | vicarious traumatisation | psychotherapists | health personnel | |
MON : 2005.189 : Not available for external loan | |
Kroppen husker : om krop og psyke i traumebehandling | |
Danish | |
20040000 | |
Klim | |
Rothschild, Babette | |
87-7955-146-7 | |
universal | mental health | psychology | PTSD | trauma | psychophysiology | body-psychotherapy | |
MON : 2006.157 : Not available for external loan | |
The body remembers : casebook : unifying methods and models in the treatment of trauma and PTSD | |
English | |
20030000 | |
W.W. Norton | |
Rothschild, Babette | |
0-393-70400-9 | |
universal | emotional trauma | PTSD | psychotherapeutic techniques | psychophysiology | cognition | treatment models | somatic symptoms | cognitive therapy | body-psychotherapy | psychotherapy, psychodynamic | gestalt therapy | drug therapy | attachment behaviour | unemployment | shame | social stigma | EMDR | parenting | |
MON : 2010.313 : Not available for external loan | |
The body remembers : the psychophysiology of trauma and trauma treatment | |
English | |
20000000 | |
W.W. Norton | |
Rothschild, Babette | |
0393703274 | |
universal | body-oriented psychotherapy | Psychophysiology | Mind-body therapies | Treatment | emotional trauma | PTSD | |