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ART : 31075 : Not available for external loan | |
Individuals as perpetrators of atrocity crimes | |
English | |
20220000 | |
Oxford University | |
Smeulers, Alette | |
state terror | perpetratorhood | determinants of perpetration | criminal behaviour | perpetrator characteristics | training of perpetrators | torturers | obedience | review | conformity (personality) | political ideologies | contextual factors | review [publication type] | state agents | organised violence | determinants of torture | universal | |
Oxford handbook of atrocity crimes / Barbora Holá, Hollie Nyseth Nzitatira, Maartje Weerdesteijn (eds.) - ISBN: 9780190915629 | |
Shelf:1 • On loan:0. View and order | |
ART : 22247 : Not available for external loan | |
Female perpetrators : ordinary of extra-ordinary women? | |
English | |
20150000 | |
Brill | |
Smeulers, Alette | |
universal | international criminal justice | perpetrators | sex factors | perpetrators, female | genocide | |
International criminal law review ; vol. 15, no. 2 | |
ART : 17676 : Not available for external loan | |
Training and education of perpetrators | |
English | |
20110000 | |
Martinus Nijhoff | |
Smeulers, Alette | Grunfeld, Fred | |
universal | Greece | torturer formation | perpetrators | torture | armed forces | humiliation | masculinities | killings | |
International crimes and other gross human rights violations : a multi- and interdisciplinary textbook. ISBN 978-9004-20804-9 | |
ART : 17675 : Not available for external loan | |
Torture | |
English | |
20110000 | |
Martinus Nijhoff | |
Smeulers, Alette | Grunfeld, Fred | |
universal | Israel | United States | torture | crimes against humanity | torture definition | absolute prohibition of torture | counterterrorism | inhuman treatment | judicial torture | international human rights law | torture methods | physical effects | psychological effects | torture purposes | legal confessions | ticking bomb scenario | review [publication type] | torturers | obedience | military personnel | case studies | historical aspects of torture | |
International crimes and other gross human rights violations : a multi- and interdisciplinary textbook. ISBN 978-9004-20804-9 | |
ART : 16615 : Not available for external loan | |
Studying the microdynamics of the Rwandan genocide | |
English | |
20100500 | |
Oxford University Press | |
Smeulers, Alette | Hoex, Lotte | |
Rwanda | agents responsible for violations | torturers | genocide | violence | group processes | state agents | non state agents | determinants | behaviour | |
British journal of criminology ; vol. 50, no. 3 | |
ART : 18375 : Not available for external loan | |
Perpetrators of international crimes : towards a typology | |
English | |
20080000 | |
Intersentia | |
Smeulers, Alette | |
universal | international crimes | perpetrators | classification | perpetration | determinants | organised violence | psychology | torturers | review [publication type] | |
Supranational criminology: towards a criminology of international crimes / Alette Smeulers, Roelof Haveman (eds.). - ISBN: 978-90-5095-791-5 | |