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ART : 19675 : Not available for external loan | |
The effect of trauma-focused therapy on the altered T cell distribution in individuals with PTSD : evidence from a randomized controlled trial | |
English | |
20140700 | |
Elsevier | |
Morath, Julia | Gola, Hannah | Sommershof, Annette | Hamuni, Gilava | Kolassa, Stephan | Catani, Claudia | Adenauer, Hannah | Ruf-Leuschner, Martina | Schauer, Maggie | Elbert, Thomas | Groettrup, Marcus | Kolassa, Iris-Tatjana | |
Germany | PTSD | immunology | rehabilitation | torture victims | psychotherapy | narrative therapy | implosive therapy | refugees | war victims | immigrants | treatment outcome | follow-up studies | biomarkers | psychotherapeutic processes | |
Journal of psychiatric research ; vol. 54 | |
ART : 20139 : Not available for external loan | |
Substantial reduction of naïve and regulatory T cells following traumatic stress | |
English | |
20091100 | |
Elsevier | |
Sommershof, Annette | Aichinger, Hannah | Engler, Harald | Adenauer, Hannah | Catani, Claudia | Boneberg, Eva-Maria | Elbert, Thomas | Groettrup, Marcus | Kolassa, Iris-Tatjana | |
refugees, adult | psychometrics | Clinician-Administered PTSD Scale | stressors | psychoimmunology | psychological tests | lymphocyte metabolism | cell biology | PTSD immunology | war victims | torture victims | Germany | |
Brain, behavior and immunity ; vol. 23, no. 8 | |