Show record 1 to 10 of 26 from RCT
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  • ART : 32295 : Not available for external loan
    Bearing witness : testimony and transitional justice in the aftermath of mass violence
    Palgrave Macmillan
    testimonies' role | international criminal justice | politics | data collection | expert testimony | truth commissions | criminal justice | prosecution | legal proceedings | accountability | witnesses characteristics | motivation | victimhood | perpetratorhood | field work | research ethics | war victims | memorialisation | witness' role | postconflict situations | transitional justice | universal
    The Palgrave handbook of testimony and culture / Sara Jones, Roger Woods (eds.) - ISBN: 978-3-031-13794-5
  • ART : 21935 : Not available for external loan
    Long journey home : family reunification experiences of the disappeared children of El Salvador
    Johns Hopkins University
    El Salvador | civil war | abduction | children | missing persons | disappeared persons | family reunification | postconflict situations | process and outcome assessment | emotions | emotional trauma
    Human rights quarterly ; vol. 37, no. 2
  • ART : 16051 : Not available for external loan
    The cumulative effect : a medico-legal approach to United States torture law and policy
    University of Essex
    United States | counterterrorism | state compliance | guidelines | torture prevention | medical evidence | prison conditions | physical effects | psychological effects | national law | treaties | detention | torture justifiability | politics | interrogation techniques | torture methods | extraordinary rendition | intelligence services | armed forces | interrogation | definitions
    Essex human rights review ; vol. 6, no. 1
  • MON : 2008.235 : Not available for external loan
    Guantanamo and its aftermath : US detention and interrogation practices and their impact on former detainees
    University of California. Human Rights Center and International Human Rights Law Clinic
    United States | Afghanistan | psychological effects | resettlement | mental health | health status | family | employment | prosecution | attitude | reparations | emotional trauma | punishment methods | sexual abuse | interrogation techniques | counterterrorism | detention | armed forces | impunity | prisoners | religion | humiliation | inhuman treatment | prison conditions | Guantanamo Bay detention camp (United States)
  • ART : 13808 : Not available for external loan
    Exposure to war crimes and implications for peace building in northern Uganda
    American Medical Association
    Uganda | armed conflict | PTSD | multiple traumatic events | rape victims | witnesses | social surveys | displaced persons | survivors | comorbidity | prevalence | war crimes | depression | emotional trauma | epidemiology | civilian population | peace | attitude | conflict resolution | Ugandans
    JAMA : the journal of the American Medical Association ; vol. 298, no. 5
  • ART : 12697 : Not available for external loan
    Bremer's 'gordian knot' : transitional justice and the US occupation of Iraq
    Johns Hopkins University
    Iraq | United States | transitional justice | foreign occupation forces | politics | administration of justice | judicial system | human rights violations | repression
    Human rights quarterly ; vol. 27, no. 3
  • ART : 10539 : Not available for external loan
    Exhumation of mass graves in Iraq : considerations for forensic investigations, humanitarian needs, and the demands of justice
    American Medical Association
    Iraq | armed conflict | repression | human rights violations | disappeared persons | torture | forensic anthropology | social justice | mass graves | exhumation
    JAMA : the journal of the American Medical Association ; vol. 290, no. 5
  • ART : 10220 : Not available for external loan
    The missing in the aftermath of war : when do the needs of victims' families and international war crimes tribunals clash?
    International Committee of the Red Cross
    universal | disappeared persons | human rights violations | armed conflict | victims | legal proceedings | family members | international criminal law | international courts | war crimes | criminal investigation | exhumation | evidence | missing persons | prosecution | forensic anthropology | UN. International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda | ICTR | UN. International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia | ICTY
    International review of the Red Cross ; vol. 84, no. 848
  • ART : 10951 : Not available for external loan
    Asylum evaluations : the physician's dilemma
    Cambridge University Press
    universal | asylum | asylum seekers | international instruments | health personnel | human rights | mental health | psychiatry | Refoulement | medical ethics
    Cambridge quarterly of healthcare ethics ; vol. 11, no.3
  • MON : 1996.332 : Not available for external loan
    War crimes in the Balkans : medicine under siege in the former Yugoslavia 1991-1995
    Yugoslavia | Bosnia and Herzegovina | Croatia | agents responsible for violations | armed conflict | civilian population | crimes against humanity | ethnic conflict | genocide | health | health personnel | health services | history | human rights violations | internal conflict
    Physicians for Human Rights