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MON : 2011.213 : Not available for external loan | |
Handbook of pain assessment | |
20110000 | |
Guilford | |
Turk, Dennis C. (ed.) | Melzack, Ronald (ed.) | |
978-1606239766 | |
universal | pain measurement | suffering | physical examination | psychology | quality of life | rating scales | self report | adult | psychometrics | questionnaires | McGill Pain Questionnaire (MPQ) | test construction | sensitivity and specificity | belief systems | attitude to health | coping behaviour | spouses | family members | social support | facial expression | children | adolescents | elderly | vulnerable populations | communication barriers | disabled persons | pain management | patient satisfaction | treatment | low back pain | fibromyalgia | myofascial pain syndromes | whiplash injuries | neuralgia | headache | mental disorders | disability evaluation | drug therapy | neoplasms | surgical procedures | mass screening | analgesics, opioid | chronic pain | epidemiologic methods | health care surveys | clinical trials | research design | handbook [publication type] | |
MON : 2001.244 : Not available for external loan | |
Handbook of pain assessment | |
English | |
20010000 | |
Guilford | |
Turk, Dennis C. (ed.) | Melzack, Ronald (ed.) | |
1-57230-488-X | |
universal | pain | pain measurement | self report | rating scales | McGill Pain Questionnaire (MPQ) | questionnaires | psychophysiology | chronic pain | children | adolescents | adult | elderly | communication barriers | facial expression | behaviour | physical examination | low back pain | physiotherapy | vocational rehabilitation | disability evaluation | diagnostic techniques and procedures | mental disorders | assessment | psychological interview | coping behaviour | attitude to health | belief systems | family members | acute pain | quality of life | pain management | headache | facial pain | myofascial pain syndromes | neuralgia | complex regional pain syndromes | epidemiologic methods | research methodology | outcome assessment (health care) | clinical trials | diagnostic imaging | musculoskeletal pain | suffering | |
MON : 2006.185 : Not available for external loan | |
Bonica's management of pain | |
English | |
20010000 | |
Lippincott Williams and Wilkins | |
Loeser, John D. (ed.) | Butler, Stephen H. (ed.) | Chapman, C. Richard (ed.) | Turk, Dennis C. (ed.) | |
0-683-30462-3 | |
universal | pain | pain measurement | syndrome | chronic pain | psychology | skeletal muscle | skin | acute pain | low back pain | pain management | drug therapy | psychotherapy | treatment | |
MON : 1999.069 : Not available for external loan | |
Psychological approaches to pain management : a practitioner's handbook | |
English | |
19960000 | |
Guilford | |
Gatchel, Robert J. (ed.) | Turk, Dennis C. (ed.) | |
0-89862-292-1 | |
universal | pain | psychology | chronic pain | diagnosis | mental disorders | causality | pain management | acute pain | motivation | cognitive therapy | psychotherapy, psychodynamic | biofeedback | relaxation therapy | hypnosis | group psychotherapy | family members | drug therapy | combined modality therapy | children | elderly | psychologist's role | prevention | rehabilitation | occupational health services | programme evaluation | outcome assessment (health care) | comorbidity | headache | myofascial pain syndromes | somatoform disorders | |