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    Implementation and compliance with the Charter rights
    Palgrave Macmillan
    civil and political rights | NGOs role | attitude to human rights defenders | OAU. African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights. Special Rapporteurs | ACHPR-5 | ACHPR-4 | ACHPR-3 | violence against women | women's rights | state behaviour | ACHPR-17 | right to education | ACHPR-16 | right to health | economic, social and cultural rights | ACHPR-7 | fair trial | complaint procedures | torture prevention | prison conditions | corporal punishment | ACHPR-5 | freedom from torture | counterterrorism | death penalty | torture criminalisation | extrajudicial executions | ACHPR-4 | right to life | OAU. African Commission on Human and Peoples Rights | reporting procedures | state compliance | domestic implementation | OAU. African Charter on Human and Peoples' Rights (1981) | international human rights law effectiveness | regional human rights protection system effectiveness | human rights protection | Africa | Malawi | Cameroon | Sudan | Nigeria | Uganda
    Human Rights under the African Charter. - ISBN: 978-3-030-41738-3