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  • ART : 28008 : Not available for external loan
    Attitudes and experiences of health professionals towards clinical evaluations of torture and ill-treatment
    forensic evaluation of torture | attitude of health personnel | knowledge, attitudes, practice | social surveys | training of health personnel | Istanbul Protocol | vicarious traumatisation | workload | evidence of torture | attitude to torture | evidence standards | sex factors | country of origin | medical doctors | age factors | South-central Asia | Western Asia | South America | Central America | Northern Africa
    Journal of forensic and legal medicine ; vol. 78
  • ART : 26473 : Not available for external loan
    Effectiveness of a simulation-based training for health professionals conducting evaluations of alleged torture and ill-treatment
    forensic evaluation of torture | training of health personnel | educational techniques | effectiveness | curriculum | Istanbul Protocol | knowledge, attitudes, practice | simulation training | role playing | medical doctors | psychiatrists | psychologists | programme evaluation | process and outcome assessment | physical examination | torture method-effect correlation | medical evidence of torture | interviewing torture victims | psychological assessment | psychological interview | forensic photography | evidence standards | Physicians for Human Rights (PHR) | NGO approaches | communication, verbal | communication, nonverbal | mock trials | expert testimony | medicolegal report writing | data interpretation | medical documentation of torture | United States | Tajikistan | Kyrgyzstan | Turkey | Colombia | Chile | universal
    Journal of forensic and legal medicine ; vol. 76