| TORT : 09.1.4 : Not available for external loan
| Clinical performance diagnosing alleged exposure to falanga : a phantom study |
| English |
| 20090000 |
| Torp-Pedersen, Søren | Matteoli, Sara | Wilhjelm, Jens E. | Amris, Kirstine | Bech, Jakob I. | Christensen, Robin | Danneskiold-Samsøe, Bente |
| physical effects of torture | health personnel | reproducibility of results | elasticity | physical examination | diagnostic errors | disease models | palpation | diagnostic techniques and procedures | heel pathology | torture methods | forensic evaluation of torture | falanga [torture method] | Denmark |
| Full text |
| Torture : journal on rehabilitation of torture victims and prevention of torture ; vol. 19, no. 1 |
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