Show record 1 to 10 of 69 from RCT
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  • ART : 26850 : Not available for external loan
    Is Rio de Janeiro preparing for war? Combating organized crime versus non-international armed conflict
    Brazil | policing | war on crime | urban areas | police violence | armed conflict | comparison | poverty areas | impunity | criminal gangs | state agents | non state agents | Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) | international humanitarian law | agents responsible for violations
    International review of the Red Cross ; no. 923
  • ART : 31383 : Not available for external loan
    Reparation for victims of serious violations of international humanitarian law : new developments
    universal | Congo, Democratic Republic of the | El Salvador | Guatemala | Colombia | Peru | reparations | war victims | international humanitarian law | right to reparation | cross-national comparison | International Criminal Court's Trust Fund for Victims | international criminal justice | regional human rights protection systems' role | non state agents | state agents | state obligations
    International review of the Red Cross ; no. 919
  • ART : 26005 : Not available for external loan
    Millenials on war
    social perception | torture justifiability | prisoner of war treatment | Geneva Conventions (1949) | mobile phones | mental health services needs and demand | young adult | war victims, young adult | migration | access to education | disasters | environment | economic conditions | health care quality | terrorism | unemployment | corruption | armed conflict | victim services | war victims | technology, digital | chemical warfare | biological warfare | civilian population | international humanitarian law effectiveness | nuclear warfare | world view | risk factors of victimisation | warfare | crosscultural comparison | opinion polls | public opinion | social survey [publication type] | attitude to war | attitude to torture | Afghanistan | Colombia | France | Indonesia | Israel | Malaysia | Mexico | Nigeria | Palestine, State of | Russian Federation | South Africa | Switzerland | Syrian Arab Republic | Ukraine | United Kingdom | United States
    International Committee of the Red Cross | ICRC
  • MON : 2020.011 : Not available for external loan
    Millenials' on war : topline report for the International Committee of the Red Cross
    social perception | mixed methods research | research methodology | torture justifiability | prisoner of war treatment | Geneva Conventions (1949) | mobile phones | mental health services needs and demand | young adult | war victims, young adult | migration | access to education | disasters | environment | economic conditions | health care quality | terrorism | unemployment | corruption | armed conflict | victim services | war victims | technology, digital | chemical warfare | biological warfare | civilian population | international humanitarian law effectiveness | nuclear warfare | world view | risk factors of victimisation | warfare | crosscultural comparison | opinion polls | public opinion | social survey [publication type] | attitude to war | attitude to torture | Afghanistan | Colombia | France | Indonesia | Israel | Malaysia | Mexico | Nigeria | Palestine, State of | Russian Federation | South Africa | Switzerland | Syrian Arab Republic | Ukraine | United Kingdom | United States
  • ART : 22954 : Not available for external loan
    People on war : perspectives from 16 countries
    Afghanistan | China | Colombia | France | Iraq | Israel | Nigeria | Palestine, State of | Russian Federation | South Sudan | Switzerland | Syrian Arab Republic | Ukraine | United Kingdom | United States | Yemen | social surveys | mortality | developing countries | developed countries | opinion polls | attitude | armed conflict | warfare | international humanitarian law | health services | health personnel | legal protection | attitude to death | war victims | torture justifiability | attitude to torture | prevention | Geneva Conventions (1949) | civilian population | effects | effects on perpetrators | societal effects | UN. Convention Against Torture And Other Cruel Inhuman Or Degrading Treatment Or Punishment (1984) | UNCAT | international human rights law | refugees | international intervention | prisoner treatment
    International Committee of the Red Cross | ICRC
  • MON : 2018.003 : Not available for external loan
    Guidelines for investigating deaths in custody
    universal | death in custody | checklists | detainees | prisoners | detention centres | prisons | prevention and control | torture | suicide | health services accessibility | autopsy | prison conditions | risk factors | practice guidelines | standards | state obligations | forensic pathology | criminal investigation
    International Committee of the Red Cross | ICRC
  • MON : 2017.089 : Not available for external loan
    Guidelines for investigating deaths in custody
    universal | human rights monitoring | criminal investigation | guidelines | death in custody | international human rights law | international humanitarian law | right to life | legal protection | state obligations | fact-finding missions | cadaver | forensic pathology | death cause | risk factors | prevention | prison conditions | prisons | prisoners | health status | health services accessibility | communication | family | suicide | torture | preventative interventions
    International Committee of the Red Cross | ICRC
  • MON : 2017.077 : Not available for external loan
    مبادئ توجيهية للتحقيق في حالات الوفاة أثناء الاحتجاز = Mabadi tawjihiyah lil-tahqiq fi halat al-vafah athna al-ihtijaz [T] = Guidelines for investigating deaths in custody [t]
    universal | human rights monitoring | risk factors | torture | suicide | family | communication | health services accessibility | health status | prisoners | prisons | prison conditions | prevention | death cause | criminal investigation | forensic pathology | cadaver | fact-finding missions | state obligations | legal protection | right to life | international humanitarian law | international human rights law | death in custody | guidelines | preventative interventions
    International Committee of the Red Cross | ICRC
  • ART : 13905 : Not available for external loan
    Civilization and torture : beyond the medical and psychiatric approach
    International Committee of the Red Cross
    universal | Civilisation | society | repression | Torture
    International review of the Red Cross ; vol. 89, no. 867
  • ART : 13902 : Not available for external loan
    Torture of terrorists? : use of torture in a ‘‘war against terrorism’’ : justifications, methods and effects : the case of France in Algeria, 1954–1962
    International Committee of the Red Cross
    Algeria | Universal | France | Torture | counterterrorism | Torture justifiability | war on terror
    International review of the Red Cross ; vol. 89, no. 867