Show record 1 to 10 of 603 from RCT
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  • ART : 29378 : Not available for external loan
    In death’s waiting room: deaths in custody following deliberate denial of medical care in Iran’s prisons
    Amnesty International
    death in custody statistics | length of detention | time factors | sex distribution | accountability effectiveness | solitary confinement | prison health care quality | political detainees victimisation | age distribution | impunity | minority groups victimisation | repression strategies | prison health care denial | attitude to prisoners | right to life | Iran, Islamic Republic of
    Amnesty International (AI)
  • ART : 31463 : Not available for external loan
    Iran : authorities violating absolute prohibition of torture through harassment of witnesses involved in Iran Atrocities Tribunal
    Amnesty International
    impunity for torture | retaliation | witnesses | family members of torture victims | torture victims | repression strategies | Iran, Islamic Republic of
    Amnesty International (AI)
  • ART : 32984 : Not available for external loan
    Botswana : submission to the UN Committee Against Torture, 74th session, 12 -29 July 2022
    Amnesty International
    UN. Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (1984) | domestic implementation | state compliance | corporal punishment | death penalty | secret executions | fair trial rights | legal counsel | Botswana
    Amnesty International (AI)
  • ART : 31464 : Not available for external loan
    Tunisia : authorities must investigate excessive use of force in Tataouine
    Amnesty International
    human rights violations | repression | protest | police violence | arbitrary arrest and detention | beatings | riot control agents, chemical adverse effects | tear gases | Tunisia
    Amnesty International (AI)
  • ART : 25496 : Not available for external loan
    Skirting human rights violations : recommendations for the reform of Ethiopian Human Rights Commission
    Amnesty International
    transition to democracy | human rights violations | impunity | medical evidence of torture | torture investigation | torture prevention | effectiveness | national institutions | Ethiopia
    Amnesty International (AI)
  • ART : 33239 : Not available for external loan
    United Kingdom : submission to the United Nations Committee Against Torture 66th session, 23 April-23 May 2019
    Amnesty International
    UN. Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (1984) | torture prevention effectiveness | human rights protection effectiveness | politics | national legal instruments | universal jurisdiction | victims role | prosecution for torture effectiveness | criminal proceedings | accountability for torture effectiveness | civil proceedings | refoulement prevention effectiveness | risk of torture | risk assessment | diplomatic assurances | death penalty assurances | statelessness | nationality withdrawing | deportation proceedings | immigration detention | asylum procedure | migrant workers | foreign occupation forces | torture allegations effects | complicity in torture | transitional justice | tasers | policing | training of police personnel | domestic implementation | state compliance | United Kingdom | Iraq | Northern Ireland [United Kingdom]
    Amnesty International (AI)
  • ART : 33281 : Not available for external loan
    Inhuman and unnecessary : ill-treatment in the context of counterterrorism and high-security prisons in The Netherlands : submission to the UN Committee Against Torture
    Amnesty International
    Netherlands | UN. Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (1984) | torture prevention effectiveness | prisons, supermax | prisoner classification effects | housing | social isolation | surveillance | counterterrorism | solitary confinement | complaint procedure effectiveness | body searches | proportionality principle | time factors | prisoner visitation | limitation of rights and freedoms | prisoner rights | risk assessment | prison conditions | facility environment | prisoner treatment | forced nudity | prison oversight effectiveness | humiliation | domestic implementation effectiveness | state compliance | human rights violations
    Amnesty International (AI) | Open Society Justice Initiative
  • MON : 2018.041 : Not available for external loan
    'God only knows if he is alive' : enforced disappearance and detention violations in Southern Yemen
    Amnesty International
    civil war | arbitrary arrest and detention | disappearances | torture | counterterrorism | incommunicado detention | family members | prisoners, male | torture methods | electric torture | beatings | waterboarding | suspension [torture method] | interrogation | Bir Ahmed prison (Yemen) | Al-Mukalla Central Prison (Yemen) | Mansoura prison (Yemen) | prison conditions | mentally ill | whipping [torture method] | bone fractures | physical effects of torture | health care denial | prison overcrowding | prisoner treatment | drink deprivation | food deprivation | forced nudity | witnessing torture | sexual abuse | men as victims | solitary confinement | video recording | anal canal | object insertion | positional torture | partial burial | threats to family members | death under torture | impunity | Yemen | United Arab Emirates
    Amnesty International
  • ART : 24744 : Not available for external loan
    A turn for the worse : violence and human rights violations in anglophone Cameroon
    Amnesty International
    counterterrorism | torture methods | national law | beatings | extrajudicial executions | death in custody | torture | human rights violations | incommunicado detention | arbitrary arrest and detention | property destruction | armed forces | killings | Cameroon
    Amnesty International | AI
  • MON : 2018.103 : Not available for external loan
    Crushing humanity : the abuse of solitary confinement in Egypt's prisons
    Amnesty International
    solitary confinement, punitive | prisoner punishment | prisoner treatment | prison conditions | prisoners | political detainees | inhuman treatment | torture | torture methods | determinants | physical effects | psychological effects | death-row | impunity | risk factors | Egypt
    Amnesty International (AI)