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ART : 31955 : Not available for external loan | |
Understanding the conceptualization and operationalization of trauma-informed care within and across systems : a critical interpretive synthesis | |
English | |
20220900 | |
Blackwell | |
Bargeman, Maria | Abelson, Julia | Mulvale, Gillian | Niec, Anne | Theuer, Ania | Moll, Sandra | |
United States | trauma-informed care | research design | referral and consultation | concept formation | social services | criminal justice | health care delivery | education | child welfare | review [publication type] | traumatic exposure effects | practice guidelines | role expectations | service delivery | psychological trauma | definitions | policy analysis | institutional aspects | theory and practice | |
Milbank quarterly ; vol. 100, no. 3 | |
ART : 32123 : Not available for external loan | |
Economics of incarceration | |
English | |
20161200 | |
Blackwell | |
Schnepel, Kevin T. | |
Australia | imprisonment effects | recidivism | time factors | severity of punishment | prisoner statistics | statistical models | review [publication type] | cost of imprisonment | imprisonment statistics | economic analysis | cost-benefit analysis | crime prevention | behaviour change | criminal behaviour | penal policy | |
Australian economic review ; vol. 49, no. 4 | |
MON : 2007.177 : Not available for external loan | |
War, torture and terrorism : ethics and war in the 21st century | |
English | |
20070000 | |
Blackwell | |
Rodin, David (ed.) | |
978-1-4051-7398-8 | |
Torture | Human rights violations | ticking bomb scenario | universal | Torture | armed conflict | human rights violations | war on terror | ethics | |
MON : 2007.174 : Not available for external loan | |
The shadow side of fieldwork : exploring the blurred borders between ethnography and life | |
English | |
20070000 | |
Blackwell | |
McLean, Athena (ed.) | Leibing, Annette (ed.) | |
1405169818 | |
universal | culture | death | violence | armed conflict | family | science | field work | ethics | data collection | communication | ethnology | |
MON : 2007.140 : Not available for external loan | |
Torture and the ticking bomb | |
English | |
20070000 | |
Blackwell | |
Brecher, Bob | |
978-1-4051-6202-9 | |
Torture | universal | United States | Torture | Torture justifiability | interrogation | ethics | war on terror | Ticking Bomb Scenario | |
MON : 2007.009 : Not available for external loan | |
Psychobiology of posttraumatic stress disorder : a decade of progress | |
English | |
20060000 | |
Blackwell | |
Yehuda, Rachel (ed.) | |
1-57331-619-9 | |
universal | psychobiology | PTSD | Neurophysiology | Physiopathology | assessment | Theoretical models | Treatment | Treatment outcome | |
MON : 2009.097 : Not available for external loan | |
The anthropology of the state : a reader | |
English | |
20060000 | |
Blackwell | |
Sharma, Aradhana (ed.) | Gupta, Akhil (ed.) | |
9781405114684 | |
universal | United States | protest | state agents | Ideologies | governance | political systems | economics | community-institutional relations | civil society | politics | state (political entity) | state sovereignty | discourse | militarism | corruption | immigration | culture | mass media | power | economic conditions | international intervention | community development | urban areas | language | anthropology | governmental entities | |
MON : 2004.009 : Not available for external loan | |
Violence in war and peace | |
English | |
20040100 | |
Blackwell | |
Scheper-Hughes, Nancy (ed.) | Bourgois, Philippe (ed.) | |
0-631-22349-5 | |
universal | Northern America | Namibia | Germany | Israel | Rwanda | Cambodia | Argentina | United States | Northern Ireland [United Kingdom] | South Africa | Nicaragua | El Salvador | Peru | Palestinian Territory, Occupied | Tanzania, United Republic of | violence | Political violence | armed conflict | Internal conflict | genocide | Torture | children | human rights violations | anthropology | |
MON : 2011.033 : Not available for external loan | |
Death, mourning, and burial : a cross-cultural reader | |
English | |
20040000 | |
Blackwell | |
Robben, Antonius C. G. M. (ed.) | |
978-1405114714 | |
universal | death | culture | state terror | disappearances | burial | mourning | grief | anthropology | rituals | memorialisation | reburial | religion | belief systems | |
MON : 2004.073 : Not available for external loan | |
The politics of migration : managing opportunity, conflict and change | |
20030000 | |
Blackwell | |
Spencer, Sarah (ed.) | |
1-4051-1635-8 | |
Europe | United States | migration | history | asylum | refugees | politics | immigration | European Union | Muslims | immigration policy | social welfare | nationality | cultural diversity | |