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ART : 09971 : Not available for external loan | |
Understanding corruption in the Russian police : comparing the attitudes of trainees and serving officers | |
English | |
20010100 | |
Constitutional and Legal Policy Institute | |
Beck, Adrian | Lee, Ruth | |
963 7316 85x | |
Russian Federation | social surveys | corruption | police personnel | education | training | punishment | attitude | prevention | community-institutional relations | questionnaires | police | peer group | |
ART : 07860 : Not available for external loan | |
Police and human rights discussion tools : a trainer's manual : 15 ideas to encourage police officers to reflect on human rights issues | |
English | |
19990731 | |
Council of Europe | |
Osse, Anneke | |
universal | Europe | human rights | human rights education | police | human rights violations | case law | international instruments | civil and political rights | intergovernmental organisations | manual | CoE. Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (1950) | |