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MON : 2020.048 : Not available for external loan | |
Klinisk socialmedicin og rehabilitering | |
20160000 | |
FADL | |
Modvig, Jens (ed.) | Jensen, Britt Toftgaard (ed.) | Nielsen, Claus Vinther (ed.) | |
978-87-7749-851-0 | |
social medicine | drug users | alcoholics | pregnant women | rape victims | child abuse | vulnerable populations | homeless persons | immigrants | refugees | vulnerability | elderly | bereavement | suffering | adult | hospitalisation | children | medical history taking | interdisciplinary communication | function recovery | documentation | medical records | torture victims treatment | functioning | rehabilitation | Denmark | universal | |
MON : 2013.119 : Not available for external loan | |
Smerter : baggrund, evidens, behandling | |
Danish | |
20130000 | |
FADL | |
Jensen, Troels Staehelin (ed.) | Dahl, Jørgen B. (ed.) | Arendt-Nielsen, Lars (ed.) | |
9788777497032 | |
universal | pain | chronic pain | anxiety | anatomy | physiopathology | hyperalgesia | somatoform disorders | patient characteristics | children | facial pain | temporomandibular joint disorders | tooth diseases | rheumatic diseases | back pain | fibromyalgia | chiropractic | transcutaneous electric nerve stimulation | acupuncture analgesia | physiotherapy | depression | drug therapy | analgesics | pain management | stress reactions | psychology | pain measurement | |
MON : 2011.263 : Not available for external loan | |
Klinisk socialmedicin og rehabilitering | |
Danish | |
20110000 | |
FADL | |
Modvig, Jens (ed.) | Jensen, Britt Toftgaard (ed.) | Nielsen, Claus Vinther (ed.) | |
9788777495977 | |
Denmark | social services | health services | rehabilitation medicine | rehabilitation | social medicine | |
MON : 2008.078 : Not available for external loan | |
Rehabilitering : teori og praksis | |
Danish | |
20070000 | |
FADL | |
Jensen, Liselotte (ed.) | Petersen, Lotte (ed.) | Stokholm, Gitte (ed.) | |
978-87-7749-442-0 | |
Denmark | universal | rehabilitation | International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) | health | standard of living | living conditions | employment | health services | disabled persons | social welfare | social policy | |
ART : 11985 : Not available for external loan | |
Undersøgelse og behandling af torturofre | |
Danish | |
20040200 | |
FADL | |
Modvig, Jens | |
Denmark | asylum seekers | refugees | health | health services | Torture | torture victims | torture victims treatment | social groups | social welfare | assessment | rehabilitation | |
Klinisk socialmedicin / Niels Michelsen (ed.) ; Britt Toftgaard Jensen (ed.) ; Claus Vinther Nielsen (ed.). - ISBN: 87-7749-352-4 | |
MON : 2004.230 : Not available for external loan | |
Klinisk socialmedicin | |
Danish | |
20040200 | |
FADL | |
Michelsen, Niels (ed.) | Jensen, Britt Toftgaard (ed.) | Nielsen, Claus Vinther (ed.) | |
87-7749-352-4 | |
Denmark | health | risk factors | socioeconomic factors | public health | prevention and control | theoretical models | social policy | community-institutional relations | doctor's role | medical history taking | hospitals | general practice | children | social medicine | pregnancy | social welfare | elderly | substance abuse treatment | torture victims treatment | ethnic and national groups | rehabilitation | disabled persons | labour market | retirement | sick leave | |
MON : 2004.203 : Not available for external loan | |
Senior fitness test : fysisk formåen hos ældre - manual og referenceværdier | |
Danish | |
20040000 | |
FADL | |
Rikli, Roberta E. | Jones, C. Jessie | |
8777493818 | |
universal | health | elderly | health services | exercise test | physical fitness | Senior Fitness Test | |
MON : 2005.244 : Not available for external loan | |
Smerter : en lærebog | |
Danish | |
20030000 | |
FADL | |
Jensen, Troels Staehelin (ed.) | Dahl, Jørgen B. (ed.) | Arendt-Nielsen, Lars (ed.) | |
9788777494819 | |
universal | pain | suffering | nursing | somatoform disorders | etiology | epidemiology | neoplasms | depression | children | adult | jaw | temporomandibular joint disorders | tooth | rheumatology | headache | migraine disorders | low back pain | neuropathic pain | musculoskeletal pain | psychology | transcutaneous electric nerve stimulation | acupuncture analgesia | physiotherapy | chronic pain | analgesics | drug therapy | pain management | pain measurement | sick role | culture | |
MON : 2003.321 : Not available for external loan | |
Øjenvidnerne : ni læger uden grænser fortæller | |
English | |
20030000 | |
FADL | |
Hillingsø, Jens (ed.) | |
87-7749-366-4 | |
Afghanistan | Bosnia and Herzegovina | Angola | Congo, Democratic Republic of the | Albania | Sierra Leone | Somalia | Sudan | Macedonia, the former Yugoslav Republic of | Kosovo | health | health personnel | health services | international organisations | Doctors without Borders | MSF | medical ethics | disease | |
MON : 2000.296 : Not available for external loan | |
Lægevidenskabelig forskning : en introduktion | |
19990000 | |
FADL | |
Andersen, Daniel (ed.) | Havsteen, Bent (ed.) | Riis, Povl (ed.) | Almind, Gert (ed.) | Bock, Elisabeth (ed.) | Hørder, Mogens (ed.) | |
87-7749-215-3 | |
Denmark | statistical information | health personnel | science | doctors | |