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  • MON : 2016.293 : Not available for external loan
    Flygtningenævnet : formandskabet : 23. beretning 2014
    Denmark | Europe | Switzerland | Somalia | Russian Federation | Afghanistan | Syrian Arab Republic | Eritrea | refugee law | asylum | refugee status determination procedure | refugees | professional competence | professional guidelines | jurisdiction | courts | European Union | human rights | international Instruments | international courts | cases | foreign policy | torture | asylum | asylum seekers | asylum proceedings | asylum procedure | asylum seekers, child | unaccompanied refugee minors | stateless persons | language tests | UNHCR | deportation | United Nations | legal protection | prosecution | honour crimes | marriage | divorce | homosexuals | genital mutilation | criminal behaviour
  • MON : 1993.010 : Not available for external loan
    Flygtningenævnets virksomhed : formandskabets beretning : 1. april 1989 - 31. december 1991
    Ethiopia | Ghana | Somalia | Uganda | Afghanistan | Bangladesh | India | China | Pakistan | Sri Lanka | Albania | Bulgaria | Yugoslavia | Poland | Romania | USSR | Estonia | Latvia | Lithuania | Czechoslovakia | Turkey | Hungary | Bahrain | Iraq | Iran, Islamic Republic of | Jordan | West Bank (Palestine) Occupied Territories | Lebanon | Syrian Arab Republic | Chile | statistical information | refugees | asylum