Show record 1 to 10 of 26 from RCT
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  • ART : 28230 : Not available for external loan
    Writing and reading memories at a Buenos Aires memorial site : the ex-ESMA
    Indiana University
    torture centres | process and outcome assessment | museum visitation | collective memory | Escuela de Mecánica de la Armada (Argentina) | museum visitors | spaces | state terror | communication, nonverbal | museums | memorialisation | Argentina
    History and memory ; vol. 32, no. 1
  • ART : 25559 : Not available for external loan
    A nation abroad : desire and authenticity in Togolese political dissidence
    Indiana University
    Togolese refugees, male | state responsibility | solar gazing | sunlight | positional torture | Togolese refugees, female | torture victims, male | rape | sexual torture | cutting [torture method] | forced ingestion of irritants | beatings | electric torture | torture instruments | torture methods | asylum seekers | Togolese | Cameroonians | malingering | discourse | credibility | repression | postcolonialism | political opposition | contextual analysis | politics | state agents | narration | legal testimonies | torture | truth disclosure | persecution | data sources | asylum proceedings | personal narratives | exile | former political detainees | torture victims, female | Togo | United States | United Kingdom
    Africans in exile: mobility, law and identity / Nathan Riley Carpenter, Benjamin N. Lawrance (eds.). - ISBN: 9780253038074
  • ART : 25540 : Not available for external loan
    Reforming state violence in French west Africa : relegation in the epoch of decolonization
    Indiana University
    Western Africa | Senegal | France | colonialism | sentencing | legal subjects | forced labour | nationality | racism | penal policy | discrimination | violence | recidivism | deportation | law reform | criminal law | exile | punishment | criminal justice
    Africans in exile: mobility, law and identity / Nathan Riley Carpenter, Benjamin N. Lawrance (eds.). - ISBN: 9780253038074
  • ART : 22973 : Not available for external loan
    The gift of violence : ex-militias and ambiguous debt relations during post-war elections in Sierra Leone
    Indiana University
    Sierra Leone | former combatants | politics | elections | postconflict situations | political activities | social class | social influences | complicity | corruption | moral obligations | DIGNITY staff publications
    African conflict and peacebuilding review ; vol. 6, no. 2
  • ART : 24588 : Not available for external loan
    Through the lens of the Shoah : the Holocaust as a paradigm for documenting genocide testimonies
    Indiana University
    United States | Rwanda | Armenia | Cambodia | genocide survivors | genocide | testimonies | personal narratives | memorialisation | Holocaust survivors | research methodology | documentation | comparative study | international cooperation | technical cooperation | archives | Shoah Foundation | video-audio media | interviewing | data collection | video recording | information systems | indexing | cataloguing
    History and memory ; vol. 28, no. 1
  • ART : 22064 : Not available for external loan
    "Policing is not work : it is stealing by force" : corrupt policing and related abuses in everyday Nigeria
    Indiana University
    Nigeria | police | policing | corruption | police abuse | determinants | discourse | ethnographic methods | police reform | torture | torture methods | extortion | international humanitarian law | state compliance
    Africa today ; vol. 62, no. 2
  • ART : 20672 : Not available for external loan
    Of HIJOS and ninos : revisiting postmemory in post-dictatorship Uruguay
    Indiana University
    Uruguay | former political detainees | torture victims | disappeared persons | offspring | organisations | political activities | memory | self concept | intergenerational relations | transition to democracy | second generation | mental recall | vicarious traumatisation | advocacy | impunity
    History and memory ; vol. 26, no. 2
  • ART : 19199 : Not available for external loan
    'Our life is prison' : the triple captivity of wife and mothers of Palestinian political prisoners
    Indiana University
    Israel | Palestinian Territory, Occupied | prisoners | family | Palestinians | women | social isolation | interpersonal relations | imprisonment | marriage | gender aspects | politics | mothers | spouses | cases | political violence | policing
    Journal of Middle East women's studies ; vol. 9, no. 3
  • ART : 19003 : Not available for external loan
    The feedback interview and video recording in African research settings
    Indiana University
    Africa | Tanzania, United Republic of | Liberia | research methodology | field work | interviewing | video recording | technology | ethnographic methods
    Africa today ; vol. 59, no. 4
  • ART : 19353 : Not available for external loan
    Tortured bodies, resilient souls : Algeria's women combatants depicted by Daniele Djamila Amrane-Minne, Louisette Ighilahriz, and Assia Djebar
    Indiana University
    Algeria | France | torture | counterinsurgencies | literature | torture victims | women | truth | personal narratives | gender aspects | discourse | history
    Research in African literatures ; vol. 43, no. 1