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MON : 2021.056 : Not available for external loan | |
Oprør og alliancer : Mellemøsten efter Det Arabiske Forår | |
Danish | |
20210000 | |
Lindhardt og Ringhof | |
Andersen, Lars Erslev | |
978-87-11-99894-6 | |
Western Asia | Northern Africa | United States | United Arab Emirates | Saudi Arabia | Lebanon | Syrian Arab Republic | Yemen | Iraq | China | international relations | international intervention effectiveness | transition to democracy effectiveness | power | social change | politics | boundaries | natural resources | political systems | migration | Syrian refugees | Kurdish refugees | Palestinian refugees | armed conflict | |
MON : 2017.025 : Not available for external loan | |
Sange af Mihyar fra Damaskus | |
Danish | |
20160000 | |
Lindhardt og Ringhof | |
Adonis | |
9788711690215 | |
Syrian Arab Republic | poetry | literature | |
MON : 2014.030 : Not available for external loan | |
Der findes ingen undskyldning for tortur | |
Danish | |
20130000 | |
Lindhardt og Ringhof | |
Duygu, Hüseyin | |
9788711344439 | |
Turkey | Denmark | agents responsible for violations | mental health | political detainees | political systems | prison conditions | refugees | torture | torture victims | torture victims treatment | torture methods | effects | RCT | treatment | |
MON : 2009.185 : Not available for external loan | |
Ve og velfærd : læger, sundhed og samfund gennem 200 år | |
Danish | |
20070000 | |
Lindhardt og Ringhof | |
Jacobsen, Kurt | Larsen, Klaus | |
978-87-595-2851-8 | |
Denmark | Public health | health services | health personnel | medical doctors | history | Den Almindelige Danske Lægeforening | |
MON : 2005.230 : Not available for external loan | |
Inge Genefke : portræt af en ildsjæl | |
Danish | |
20050000 | |
Lindhardt og Ringhof | |
Larsen, Thomas | |
9788759525452 | |
universal | Denmark | biography (publication type) | IRCT | RCT | torture | torture victims | torture victims treatment | human rights | human rights defenders | Genefke, Inge | |
MON : 2004.137 : Not available for external loan | |
Erindringens fremtid : Auschwitz-dag i Danmark | |
Danish | |
20040000 | |
Lindhardt og Ringhof | |
Brudholm, Thomas (ed.) | Mennecke, Martin (ed.) | |
9788759522739 | |
Denmark | Germany | history | armed conflict | war crimes | crimes against humanity | deportation | genocide | Holocaust | Auschwitz concentration camp | memorialisation | memory | |
ART : 11559 : Not available for external loan | |
En dag for ofrene? | |
Danish | |
20040000 | |
Lindhardt og Ringhof | |
Genefke, Inge | Sørensen, Bent | |
Denmark | Germany | history | armed conflict | war crimes | crimes against humanity | deportation | genocide | Holocaust | Auschwitz concentration camp | memorialisation | |
Erindringens fremtid : Auschwitz-dag i Danmark / Thomas Brudholm, Martin Mennecke (eds.). - ISBN: 87-595-2273-9 | |
MON : 2004.126 : Not available for external loan | |
Irak : fra diktatur til demokrati? | |
Danish | |
20030000 | |
Lindhardt og Ringhof | |
Jensen, Michael Irving | |
9788759521244 | |
Iraq | history | armed conflict | ethnic conflict | Gulf War | political parties | Hussein, Saddam | |
MON : 2003.037 : Not available for external loan | |
Hadets anatomi : rejser i Bosnien og Serbien | |
Danish | |
20030000 | |
Lindhardt og Ringhof | |
Eriksen, Jens-Martin | Stjernfelt, Frederik | |
9788711410134 | |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | Yugoslavia | agents responsible for violations | armed conflict | armed forces | Belief systems | civilian population | crimes against humanity | culture | death | democracy | ethnic conflict | Freedom of religion | genocide | history | Internal displacement | international intervention | minority groups | national law | political systems | psychology | postconflict reconstruction | religious groups | state (political entity) | Torture | violence | war crimes | Serbs | |
MON : 2000.228 : Not available for external loan | |
Der findes ingen undskyldning for tortur | |
Danish | |
20000900 | |
Lindhardt og Ringhof | |
Duygu, Hüseyin | |
9788759515023 | |
Turkey | Denmark | agents responsible for violations | mental health | political detainees | political systems | prison conditions | refugees | torture | torture victims | torture victims treatment | torture methods | effects | RCT | treatment | |