Show record 1 to 10 of 15 from RCT
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  • ART : 31957 : Not available for external loan
    Can the UK develop accommodation centres in a trauma-informed way?
    Refugee Studies Centre
    refugee reception | housing | trauma-informed care | asylum seekers | mental health | United Kingdom
    Forced migration review ; no. 69
  • ART : 30446 : Not available for external loan
    Extraterritorial asylum processing : the Libya-Niger Emergency Transit Mechanism
    Refugee Studies Centre
    refugee status determination procedure | extraterritoriality | European Union | torture prevention | asylum seekers | prisoner transfer | immigration detention | humanitarian aid | vulnerable populations | Niger | Libya | Europe
    Forced migration review ; no. 68
  • ART : 30586 : Not available for external loan
    Denmark’s new externalisation law : motives and consequences
    Refugee Studies Centre
    refugee status determination procedure | extraterritoriality | national law | asylum procedure | refugee reception | immigration policy | politics | outsourcing | foreign policy | Denmark | Northern Africa
    Forced migration review ; no. 68
  • ART : 30444 : Not available for external loan
    Hong Kong's Unified Screening Mechanism : form over substance
    Refugee Studies Centre
    refoulement prevention | risk of torture | asylum | state obligations | UN. Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (1984) | UN. International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (1966) | decision making | UN. Convention relating to the Status of Refugees (1951) | legal aid | legal protection | civil society's role | procedural justice | bias | Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of China
    Forced migration review ; no. 67
  • ART : 24760 : Not available for external loan
    From refugee to employee : work integration in rural Denmark
    Refugee Studies Centre
    Denmark | refugees | employment | rural areas | programme development | NGO approaches | Danish Red Cross | local government | asylum seekers | early intervention | social support | social welfare | self efficacy | communication barriers | language | social adjustment
    Forced migration review ; no. 58
  • ART : 24512 : Not available for external loan
    Caring for male and LGBTI sexual violence survivors : learning from local organisations
    Refugee Studies Centre
    rape | rape victims, male | sexual abuse | men as victims | homosexuals | warfare | Syrian refugees, male | social support | mental health services | NGO approaches | victim services | sexual torture | torture victims, male | torture victims treatment | treatment centres | Western Asia
    Forced migration review ; no. 57
  • ART : 24611 : Not available for external loan
    Categorising Syrians in Lebanon as ‘vulnerable’
    Refugee Studies Centre
    Lebanon | vulnerable populations | classification | Syrian refugees | humanitarian aid | decision making | indicators | perception | war victims | gender aspects | resettlement
    Forced migration review ; no. 57
  • ART : 23828 : Not available for external loan
    Proving torture : demanding the impossible
    Refugee Studies Centre
    United Kingdom | medical evidence of torture | asylum proceedings | expert testimony | asylum seekers | torture victims | standard of proof | credibility assessment | medicolegal reports
    Forced migration review ; no. 55
  • ART : 23333 : Not available for external loan
    A grim return : post-deportation risks in Uganda
    Refugee Studies Centre
    Uganda | rejected asylum seekers | deportation | risk | vulnerable populations | immigration detention | risk of torture | physical restraint | homosexuals | social support | NGO approaches
    Forced migration review ; no. 54
  • ART : 20399 : Not available for external loan
    The mental health of Syrian refugee children and adolescents
    Refugee Studies Centre
    Jordan | Syrian refugees | family relations | refugee camps | mental health services | psychosocial interventions | Center for Victims of Torture (CVT) | anxiety disorders | vicarious traumatisation | parenting | offspring | parent-child relations | adolescents | torture victims | children | adult | activities of daily living | mental health | anger | fear | needs assessment | mental health | war victims | treatment models
    Forced migration review ; no. 47