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MON : 2023.065 : Not available for external loan | |
Perpetrators : encountering humanity's dark side | |
English | |
20230000 | |
Stanford University | |
Robben, Antonius C.G.M. | Hinton, Alexander Laban | |
978-1-5036-3427-5 | |
perpetratorhood | torturers | ethnographic methods | field work | writing | interviewing effects | data collection | emotions | research | state terror | disappearances | mass violence | genocide | perpetrator characteristics | universal | Argentina | Cambodia | |
MON : 2023.066 : Not available for external loan | |
Political memory and aesthetics of care : the art of complicity and resistance | |
English | |
20220000 | |
Stanford University | |
Mihai, Mihaela | |
978-1-5036-3012-3 | |
France | Romania | South Africa | transition to democracy | violence | politics | artistic expression | cross-national analysis | communism | apartheid | World War 2 | foreign occupations | artist's role | resistance | complicity | narratives | selectivity | collective memory | memorialisation | |
MON : 2022.065 : Not available for external loan | |
Protesting Jordan : geographies of power and dissent | |
English | |
20220000 | |
Stanford University | |
Schwedler, Jillian | |
978-1-5036-3158-8 | |
Jordan | politics | repression | power | time | revolutions | geography | spaces | state (political entity) | political opposition | protest | |
MON : 2023.026 : Not available for external loan | |
Bread and freedom : Egypt's revolutionary situation | |
English | |
20210000 | |
Stanford University | |
El-Ghobashy, Mona | |
978-1-5036-2815-1 | |
transition to democracy effectiveness | armed forces' role | state (political entity) | social control | coup d'etat | counterinsurgencies | power | political mobilisation | authoritarianism | revolutions effectiveness | politics | Egypt | |
MON : 2023.096 : Not available for external loan | |
Aiding and abetting : US foreign assistance and state violence | |
English | |
20200000 | |
Stanford University | |
Darden, Jessica Trisko | |
978-1-5036-1099-6 | |
determinants of violence | international complicity | repression | politics | foreign policy | military aid adverse effects | dictatorship | Cold War | aid donor policy | human rights promotion effectiveness | development aid adverse effects | state violence | cross-national analysis | United States | Korea, Republic of | El Salvador | Indonesia | |
MON : 2022.077 : Not available for external loan | |
Women as war criminals : gender, agency, and justice | |
English | |
20200000 | |
Stanford University | |
Steflja, Izabela | Darden, Jessica Trisko | |
978-1-5036-1343-0 | |
perpetrators, female | determinants of perpetration | terrorists, female | military courts | international criminal justice | legal defences | politicians, female | military personnel, female | torturers, female | Muthana, Hoda | England, Lynndie | Nyiramasuhuko, Pauline | Plavšić, Biljana | gender aspects | perpetratorhood | crimes against humanity | postconflict situations | transitional justice | blame | bias | determinants of impunity | war criminals, female | universal | Syrian Arab Republic | United States | Iraq | Rwanda | Bosnia and Herzegovina | |
MON : 2019.012 : Not available for external loan | |
The gray zone : sovereignty, human smuggling, and undercover police investigation in Europe | |
English | |
20190000 | |
Stanford University | |
Feldman, Gregory | |
978-1-5036-0765-1 | |
Europe | trafficking in persons | criminals | prostitution | information disclosure | ethics | immigration personnel, male | police personnel, male | anthropology | state sovereignty | boundaries | complicity | individual responsibility | state responsibility | ethnographic methods | decision making | policing | criminal investigation | |
MON : 2018.092 : Not available for external loan | |
The politics of love in Myanmar : LGBT mobilization and human rights as a way of life | |
English | |
20190000 | |
Stanford University | |
Chua, Lynette J. | |
978-1-5036-0744-6 | |
Myanmar | human rights defenders | human rights | emotions | social movements | interpersonal relations | empowerment | law reform | police reform | social activism | social change | homosexuals | transition to democracy | repression | advocacy | |
MON : 2019.051 : Not available for external loan | |
Letters to the contrary : a curated history of the UNESCO Human Rights Survey | |
English | |
20180000 | |
Stanford University | |
Goodale, Mark (ed.) | |
9781503605343 | |
universal | China | USSR | human rights universality | disabled persons | children | freedom of thought | freedom of expression | right to information | education | prisoners | indigenous groups | Hinduism | Islam | colonialism | science | human duties | economic, social and cultural rights | language | cross-national comparison | Western world | political systems | communism | philosophy | travaux preparatoires | cultural diversity | cultural relativism | social surveys | jurisprudence | UN. Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948) | UNESCO | debate | |
MON : 2018.091 : Not available for external loan | |
Just violence : torture and human rights in the eyes of the police | |
English | |
20170000 | |
Stanford University | |
Wahl, Rachel | |
978-1-5036-0101-7 | |
torture prevention | motivation | reputation | criminal justice | belief systems | human rights education | advocacy | cooperative behaviour | effectiveness | NGO approaches | cultural relativism | police subculture | international human rights law | determinants of perpetration | torturers | attitude to torture | police personnel | policing | universal | United States | India | |