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ART : 31441 : Not available for external loan | |
Cohort profile : intimate partner violence and mental health among women from refugee background and a comparison group of Australian-born - the WATCH cohort study | |
English | |
20220509 | |
BMJ Publishing Group | |
Rees, Susan | Mohsin, Mohammed | Moussa, Batool | Fisher, Jane | Steel, Zachary | Nadar, Nawal | Hassoun, Fatima | Khalil, Batoul | Youssef, Mariam | Krishna, Yalini | |
domestic violence effects | pregnancy | pandemics | depressive disorder, major | domestic violence prevalence | socioeconomic factors | disabled persons | PTSD | panic attack | mood | urban areas | Australians | cross-cultural comparison | cohort studies | mental health status | refugees, female | Australia | |
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BMJ open ; vol. 12, no. 5 | |
ART : 28918 : Not available for external loan | |
Identifying the links between trauma and social adjustment: implications for more effective psychotherapy with traumatized youth | |
English | |
20210420 | |
Frontiers Research Foundation | |
Forooshani, Sayedhabibollah Ahmadi | Murray, Kate | Khawaja, Nigar | Izadikhah, Zahra | |
Australia | immigrants, young adult | refugees, young adult | Australians, young adult | cross-cultural comparison | emotional trauma | social adjustment | traumatic exposure | assessment | self report | questionnaires | analysis of variance | multivariate analysis | cognition | avoidance | problem solving | memory, autobiographical | thought suppression | coping behaviour | psychometrics | Harvard Trauma Questionnaire (HTQ) | White Bear Suppression Inventory | Social Problem Solving Inventory-Revised-Short Form (SPSI-R-S) | Autobiographical Memory Test (AMT) | Social Adaptation Self-Evaluation Scale | |
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Frontiers in psychology ; vol. 12 | |
ART : 26194 : Not available for external loan | |
Sleep difficulties among South Sudanese former refugees settled in Australia | |
English | |
20210400 | |
Sage | |
Bruck, Dorothy | Deng, Santino Atem | Kot, Bichok | Grossman, Michele | |
Australia | South Sudanese refugees, adult | mental health | emotional trauma | sleep disorders | sex factors | risk factors | cross-cultural comparison | Australians | PTSD | resettlement | length of stay | restless legs syndrome | epidemiology | prevalence | etiology | war victims, adult | insomnia | fatigue | |
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Transcultural psychiatry ; vol. 58, no. 2 | |
ART : 29503 : Not available for external loan | |
Strong hearts, open minds : cardiovascular challenge predicts non-defensive responses to ingroup-perpetrated violence | |
English | |
20210400 | |
Elsevier | |
McLamore, Quinnehtukqut | Leidner, Bernhard | Park, Jiyoung | Hirschberger, Gilad | Li, Mengyao | Reinhard, David | Beals, Kendall | |
United States | attitude to violence | perpetratorhood | ingroup defensiveness | threat perception | Americans | Australians | Iranians | ingroup outgroup | attitude to torture | attitude to prisoners | biomarkers | cardiovascular physiological phenomena | motivation | justification for violence | social identification | stress reactions | |
Biological psychology ; vol. 161 | |
ART : 26194 : Not available for external loan | |
Sleep difficulties among South Sudanese former refugees settled in Australia | |
English | |
20210400 | |
Sage | |
Bruck, Dorothy | Deng, Santino Atem | Kot, Bichok | Grossman, Michele | |
Australia | South Sudanese refugees, adult | mental health | emotional trauma | sleep disorders | sex factors | risk factors | cross-cultural comparison | Australians | PTSD | resettlement | length of stay | restless legs syndrome | epidemiology | prevalence | etiology | war victims, adult | insomnia | fatigue | |
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Transcultural psychiatry ; vol. 58, no. 2 | |
ART : 25910 : Not available for external loan | |
Australia, US torture and the power of international law | |
English | |
20191200 | |
Taylor and Francis | |
Barnes, Jamal | |
complicity in torture | diplomatic assurances | torture definition | international humanitarian law | Geneva Conventions (1949) | treaty interpretation | Guantanamo Bay detention camp (United States) | detainees, male | Australians | discourse analysis | politics | torture effects | torture methods | interrogation techniques | foreign policy | state obligations | manipulation (psychology) | government policy | national security | legitimacy | state compliance | international human rights law | secret detention | extraordinary rendition | international cooperation | war on terror | Australia | United States | |
Australian journal of political science ; vol. 54, no. 4 | |
ART : 24187 : Not available for external loan | |
Pathways to offending for young Sudanese Australians | |
English | |
20181200 | |
Sage | |
Shepherd, Stephane M. | Newton, Danielle | Farquharson, Karen | |
Australia | Sudanese refugees, male | resettlement | exile | social adjustment | adaptation | youth | violence | criminal behaviour | young adult, male | emotional trauma | war victims | socioeconomic factors | risk-taking | aggression | urban areas | drug dealing | Australians | juvenile delinquency | detention | juvenile justice | educational status | family relations | racial discrimination | parent-child relations | anger | drug use | alcohol drinking | risk factors | protective factors | self-control | premigration factors | postmigration factors | unemployment | social environment | residence characteristics | boredom | PTSD | early experience | antisocial behaviour | cross-cultural comparison | South Sudanese refugees, male | offspring, male | Somali refugees | |
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Australian and New Zealand journal of criminology ; vol. 51, no. 4 | |
ART : 29791 : Not available for external loan | |
How young refugees cope with conflict in culturally and linguistically diverse urban schools | |
English | |
20180400 | |
Wiley-Blackwell | |
Cameron, Georgiana | Frydenberg, Erica | Jackson, Alun | |
Australia | refugees, adolescent | Focus Group Interview Schedule | psychometrics | Adolescent Coping Scale (ACS) | Life Events Checklist (LEC) | social support | postmigration factors | premigration factors | well-being | social stress | social environment | exposure to warfare | interpersonal relations | acculturation | traumatic exposure effects | age factors | comparative study | Australians, adolescent | immigrants, adolescent | conflict | urban areas | schools | adaptation | social adjustment | resettlement effects | |
Australian psychologist ; vol. 53, no. 2 | |
ART : 23990 : Not available for external loan | |
The physical and mental health problems of refugee and migrant fathers: findings from an Australian population-based study of children and their families | |
English | |
20171117 | |
BMJ Publishing Group | |
Giallo, Rebecca | Riggs, Elisha | Lynch, Claire | Vanpraag, Dannielle | Yelland, Jane | Szwarc, Josef | Duell-Piening, Philippa | Tyrell, Lauren | Casey, Sue | Brown, Stephanie Janne | |
Australia | psychological stress | cross-sectional studies | self report | body mass index | obesity | alcohol drinking | Australians | comparative study | men | refugees, male | fathers | health status | mental health status | immigrants, male | depression | longitudinal studies | logistic models | socioeconomic factors | |
Full text in open access | |
BMJ open ; vol. 7, no. 11 | |
ART : 23690 : Not available for external loan | |
Becoming a patient-illness representations of depression of Anglo-Australian and Sri Lankan patients through the lens of Leventhal’s illness representational model | |
English | |
20171100 | |
Sage | |
Antoniades, Josefine | Mazza, Danielle | Brijnath, Bianca | |
Australia | belief systems | depression | mental health services utilisation | community mental health services | Australians | etiology | war victims | immigrants | cross-cultural comparison | sick role | culture | chronic disease | psychosocial interventions | causality | attitude to health | disease models | Sri Lankan refugees | |
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International journal of social psychiatry ; vol. 63, no. 7 | |