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  • MON : 2019.080 : Not available for external loan
    Preventing torture in Europe
    Council of Europe
    torture prevention | nursing homes | residential facilities | psychiatric hospitals | institutionalised persons | children | family | deportation | human rights | immigration detention | classification | prisons | policing | case study [publication type] | domestic implementation | vulnerable populations | prison conditions | prisoner treatment | standards | detention centres | ECHR-3 | case law | terminology | inhuman treatment | torture definition | state behaviour | state compliance | follow-up mechanisms | CPT public statements | human rights documentation | fact-finding missions | organisation and administration | CoE. European Court of Human Rights | international cooperation | human rights monitoring | visiting mechanisms | NPMs | CPT | SPT | CoE. European Committee for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment | UN. Subcommittee for the Prevention of Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment | drafting history | OPCAT | UNCAT-OP | ECPT | UN. Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment. Optional Protocol (2002) | CoE. European Convention for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (1987) | comparative law | universal human rights protection system | regional human rights protection systems | Europe
  • ART : 06354 : Not available for external loan
    The work of the council of Europe's torture committee
    CoE. European Committee For The Prevention Of Torture And Inhuman Or Degrading Treatment Or Punishment | intimacy | prisoner visitation | prisoner rights | ECHR-5 | ECHR-6 | detainee rights | judicial decisions | CoE. European Court of Human Rights | inhuman and degrading treatment or punishment | torture threshold | torture definition | interdisciplinary aspects | ECHR-3 | CoE. Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (1950) | professional competence | health priorities | vulnerable populations | prison health care | prisoner-personnel relations | training of prison personnel | prison management | personnel selection | prison personnel | crossnational comparison | psychiatric hospitals | detention centres | standards | UN treaty bodies | international cooperation | CoE. European Prison Rules (2006) | field work | NGOs | governmental entities | interviewing | data collection | CoE expert bodies | working methods | gender aspects | membership | information disclosure | human rights reports | publishing | human rights monitoring | politics | CPT public statements | organisation and administration | fact-finding missions | confidentiality principle | cooperative behaviour | prisoner treatment | prison conditions | ECPT | CoE. European Convention for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (1987) | regional human rights protection systems | visiting mechanisms | torture prevention | Europe | Turkey
    European journal of international law ; vol. 5, no. 1
  • TORT : 93.3.12 : Not available for external loan
    [Despite Turkey's being a member of the Council of Europe since its creation in 1949..]
    torture patterns | regional human rights protection systems | intergovernmental organisations | politics | resistance | information disclosure | human rights reports | commentary [publication type] | CPT public statements | CoE. European Committee For The Prevention Of Torture And Inhuman Or Degrading Treatment Or Punishment | counterterrorism | criminal suspects | torture victim characteristics | Turkey
    Torture : quarterly journal on rehabilitation of torture victims and prevention of torture ; vol. 3, no. 3
  • TORT : 93.3.13 : Not available for external loan
    Public statement on Turkey : adopted on 15 December 1992
    regional human rights protection systems | evidence of torture | beatings | preventative interventions | prison reform | prisoners | torture instruments | foreign body insertion | human rights education of police personnel | state cooperation | state compliance | prison conditions | signs and symptoms | forensic evaluation of torture | physical effects of torture | humiliation | psychological torture | detainees | threats of torture | cramped confinement [torture method] | water dousing [torture method] | falanga [torture method] | testis | pressing and crushing [torture method] | electric torture | Palestinian hanging [torture method] | suspension [torture method] | torture methods | torture victim characteristics | criminal suspects | torture patterns | torture prevalence | policing | counterterrorism | torture allegations | torture prevention effectiveness | visiting mechanisms | fact-finding missions | CPT public statements | Turkey
    Torture : quarterly journal on rehabilitation of torture victims and prevention of torture ; vol. 3, no. 3
    Council of Europe. Committee for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment | CPT