Show record 1 to 10 of 1617 from RCT
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  • ART : 29350 : Not available for external loan
    Exploring contextual effects of post-migration housing environment on mental health of asylum seekers and refugees: a cross-sectional, population-based, multi-level analysis in a German federal state
    Germany | refugees | asylum seekers | mental health status | risk factors | postmigration factors | housing | depression | anxiety | contextual factors | developed countries | length of stay
    PLOS global public health ; vol. 3, no. 12
  • ART : 29345 : Not available for external loan
    A mixed methods systematic review of mental health self-care strategies for Arabic-speaking refugees and migrants
    BioMed Central
    universal | self care | Arab refugees | mental health | Arab immigrants | PTSD | depression | anxiety | coping behaviour | functioning | review [publication type]
    BMC public health ; vol. 23, no. 1
  • ART : 29344 : Not available for external loan
    Post-migration stressors, mental health and well-being in resettled refugees from Syria : do individuals' coping strategies matter?
    BioMed Central
    Syrian refugees, adult | mental health status | risk factors | postmigration factors | coping behaviour | adaptation | problem solving | acceptance | social stress effects | living conditions effects | depression | anxiety | well-being | psychometrics | BRIEF Cope scale | WHO-5 Well-being Index | Hopkins Symptom Checklist-25 | social discrimination effects | socioeconomic factors | Sweden
    Conflict and health ; vol. 17, no. 1
  • ART : 31586 : Not available for external loan
    The important role of mothers during displacement : direct and indirect effects of the refugee context on Syrian refugee children's mental health
    Lebanon | Syrian refugees, female | parenting | mother-child relations | offspring, child | mothers | developing countries | parental mental health | mental health status | risk factors | postmigration factors | contextual factors | cross-sectional study [publication type] | longitudinal studies | PTSD | depression, major | child mental health | child development | psychometrics | Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire | externalising symptoms | War Events Questionnaire (WEQ) | Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support for Arab American Adolescents | Child Report of Parent Behavior Inventory | ISPCAN Child Abuse Screening Tool | Center for Epidemiologic Studies Short Depression Scale | Depression Anxiety and Stress Scale | PTSD checklist for DSM-5
    Child development ; doi: 10.1111/cdev.14055
  • ART : 01204 : Not available for external loan
    Islamic trauma healing (ITH) : a scalable, community-based program for trauma : cluster randomized control trial design and method
    group psychotherapy | clinical trial [publication type] | somatic symptoms | depression therapy | well-being | Somaliland (Somalia) | Islam | PTSD therapy | exposure to warfare effects | traumatic exposure effects | refugees | war victims | cognitive behavioural therapy | Muslims | developing countries | community mental health workers | religious institution's role | community-based interventions | Somalia
    Contemporary clinical trials ; doi: 10.1016/j.conctc.2023.101237
  • ART : 00969 : Not available for external loan
    Mental health and sleep disturbances among Ukrainian refugees in the context of Russian-Ukrainian war : a preliminary result from online-survey
    universal | Ukrainian refugees | sleep disorders epidemiology | war victims | exposure to warfare effects | traumatic exposure effects | psychometrics | Depression, Anxiety, and Stress Scale-21 | Insomnia Severity Index | Symptom Checklist-90 | mental health status | risk factors | depression epidemiology | depression etiology | PTSD epidemiology | PTSD etiology | social support | employment status | legal status | psychological stress | anxiety | distress | hostility | obsessive-compulsive symptoms
    Sleep medicine ; doi: 10.1016/j.sleep.2023.12.004
  • ART : 33148 : Not available for external loan
    Promoting mental health and preventing mental health problems in child and adolescent refugees and asylum seekers : a systematic review on psychosocial interventions
    universal | refugees, child | asylum seekers, child | mental health promotion | psychosocial interventions | refugees, adolescent | asylum seekers, adolescent | review [publication type] | resettlement effects | risk factors | flight | treatment outcome | traumatic exposure effects | psychological stress | anxiety | depression | mental health interventions effectiveness
    International journal of social psychiatry ; doi: 10.1177/00207640231214964
  • ART : 29416 : Not available for external loan
    Long-term burden of war injuries among civilians in LMICs : case of the July 2006 war in Lebanon
    Frontiers Research Foundation
    Lebanon | armed conflict effects | developing countries | wounds and injuries | civilian population | developing countries | health services accessibility | long-term effects | health services needs and demand | chronic pain | anxiety | depression | mobility (functioning) | activities of daily living | war-related injuries | quality of life | blast injuries
    Frontiers in public health ; vol. 11
  • ART : 33167 : Not available for external loan
    Can't shake the prison guard blues : examining the effects of work stress, job satisfaction, boundary violations, and the mistreatment of inmates on the depressive symptomatology of correctional officers
    United States | distress | occupational exposure adverse effects | prison personnel | working conditions effects | prisoner-personnel relations | risk factors | personal characteristics | sex factors | depression | symptoms | occupational stress prevention | attitude to prisoners | prisoner abuse | effects on perpetrators | institutional aspects | prison management's role | professional supervision
    Criminal justice review ; vol. 48, no. 4
  • ART : 33145 : Not available for external loan
    Risk and resilience in Syrian refugee children : a multisystem analysis
    Cambridge University Press
    Lebanon | psychological resilience | Syrian refugees, child | traumatic exposure effects | mental health status | biomarkers | risk assessment | forecasting | PTSD | depression | externalisation | child behaviour disorders | exposure to warfare effects | war victims, child | self-injurious behaviour | hair | developing countries | refugee camps
    Development and psychopathology ; doi: 10.1017/S0954579423000433