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MON : 2019.020 : Not available for external loan | |
Torture | |
English | |
20180000 | |
Polity | |
Di Cesare, Donatella | |
978-1-5095-2437-2 | |
torture | rape | mass killings | concentration camps | war on terror | knowledge transfer | torture methods | abolition of torture | sexual abuse | Abu Ghraib prison (Iraq) | Guantanamo Bay detention camp (United States) | CIA | disappearances | policing | case study [publication type] | suffering | pain | torturers | discourse | violence | Holocaust | genocide | torture definition | human dignity | human rights | legitimacy | ticking bomb scenario | television | mass media | torture representation | 24 (2001-2010 television series, United States) | Walzer, Michael | Nagel, Thomas | Dershowitz, Alan | debate | torture justifiability | war on terror | democracy | state terror | power | politics | universal | Iraq | Italy | Egypt | United States | |
ART : 23877 : Not available for external loan | |
Resituating Twining’s discovery of Bentham’s Fragment on ‘torture’ amidst the twenty-first-century CE ‘Terror Wars’ | |
20150000 | |
Cambridge University | |
Baxi, Upendra | |
United Kingdom | universal | historical aspects of torture | war on terror | Dershowitz, Alan | judicial torture | torture definition | philosophy | jurisprudence | Bentham, Jeremy (1748-1832, English philosopher) | Twining, William | criminal justice | punishment | utilitarianism | torture justifiability | |
Law's ethical, global and theoretical contexts: essays in honour of William Twining / Upendra Baxi, Christopher McCrudden, Abdul Paliwala (eds.). - ISBN: 9781107116405 | |
MON : 2014.033 : Not available for external loan | |
Torture and moral integrity : a philosophical enquiry | |
20140000 | |
Oxford University | |
Kramer, Matthew H. | |
978-0-19-871420-0 | |
universal | United States | torture | morality | philosophy | debate | torture justifiability | conflict | torture definition | UN. Convention Against Torture And Other Cruel Inhuman Or Degrading Treatment Or Punishment (1984) | UNCAT | Davis, Michael | torture victims | Kershnar, Stephen | Miller, Seumas | Sussman, David | interrogation | counterterrorism | Steinhoff, Uwe | Kamm, Frances | Hill, Daniel | torture purposes | Nagel, Thomas | absolute prohibition of torture | Meisels, Tamar | Shue, Henry | Waldron, Jeremy | Luban, David | Scarry, Elaine | Kreimer, Seth | determinants | retaliation | Dershowitz, Alan | Posner, Eric | Vermeule, Adrian | Waldron, Jeremy | interrogation techniques | accountability | individual responsibility | state responsibility | ECHR-3 | |
ART : 17683 : Not available for external loan | |
What should we do about torture? | |
English | |
20100000 | |
Oxford University | |
Griffin, James | |
universal | torture justifiability | absolute prohibition of torture | human rights | human dignity | morality | waterboarding | Dershowitz, Alan | Posner, Richard | Waldron, Jeremy | reasoning | ticking bomb scenario | torture definition | UNCAT | UN. Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (1984) | |
Ethics and humanity : themes from the philosophy of Jonathan Glover / N. Ann Davis, Richard Keshen, and Jeff McMahan (eds.) ISBN 9780195325195 | |
ART : 16419 : Not available for external loan | |
Torture warrants and democratic states : dirty hands in an age of terror | |
English | |
20100000 | |
Wiley-Blackwell | |
Lauritzen, Paul | |
United States | universal | Torture justifiability | ethics | international human rights law | Dershowitz, Alan | Walzer, Michael | Debate | |
Journal of religious ethics ; vol. 38, no. 1 | |
ART : 14042 : Not available for external loan | |
Unwarranted torture warrants : a critique of the Dershowitz proposal | |
English | |
20080000 | |
Wiley-Blackwell | |
Wisnewski, J. Jeremy | |
universal | United States | Torture | Torture justifiability | international human rights law | national law | Dershowitz, Alan | Debate | |
Journal of social philosophy ; vol. 39, no. 2 | |
ART : 15233 : Not available for external loan | |
Torture warrants and the rule of law | |
English | |
20080000 | |
Albany Law School | |
Parry, John T. | |
United States | universal | torture | national security | counterterrorism | torture justifiability | Dershowitz, Alan | rule of law | debate | violence | limitation of rights and freedoms | |
Full text | |
Albany law review ; vol. 71, no. 3 | |
ART : 13790 : Not available for external loan | |
When is torture right? | |
English | |
20071200 | |
Sage | |
McCready, Douglas | |
Torture | universal | Torture | ethics | interrogation | Torture justifiability | Ticking bomb scenario | Dershowitz, Alan | Walzer, Michael | Elshtain, Jean Bethke | |
Full text (free to in-house users) | |
Studies in Christian ethics ; vol. 20, no. 3 | |
ART : 13665 : Not available for external loan | |
Torture, rights, rules and wars : Ireland to Iraq | |
English | |
20070300 | |
Sage | |
Kennedy-Pipe, Caroline | Mumford, Andrew | |
United Kingdom | Iraq | Northern Ireland [United Kingdom] | United States | Torture | international human rights law | Torture justifiability | Dershowitz, Alan | Foot, Rosemary | Shue, Henry | Counterterrorism | State compliance | |
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International relations ; vol. 21, no. 1 | |
ART : 13778 : Not available for external loan | |
Terminal exceptions : law and sovereignty at the airport threshold | |
English | |
20070000 | |
Sage | |
Feldman, Leonard C. | |
Torture | National law | International law | universal | United States | Torture | national law | international law | Torture justifiability | Dershowitz, Alan | Agamben, Giorgio | Spielberg, Steven | The Terminal (motion picture) | |
Full text (free to in-house users) | |
Law, culture and the humanities ; vol. 3, no. 2 | |