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UN : CAT/C/DNK/8 : Not available for external loan | |
Eighth periodic report submitted by Denmark under article 19 of the Convention pursuant to the simplified reporting procedure, due in 2019 | |
Multilingual | |
20231013 | |
United Nations | |
UN. Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (1984) | intelligence service oversight | hate crimes | patient rights | gender dysphoria | intersex persons | evidence admissibility | reparations | risk of torture | peacekeeping personnel | prisoner transfer | military personnel | complaint procedures | police oversight | psychiatric confinement | psychiatric patients, child | physical restraint | policing | prison personnel violence | riot control agents, chemical | death in custody statistics | prisoner violence prevention | prisoner violence statistics | prison health care delivery | solitary confinement prevention | remand detention | prison conditions | prisoners, female | age of criminal responsibility | juvenile detainees | psychiatric hospitals | coercion | administrative detention | forensic evaluation of torture | training of judges | DIGNITY - Danish Institute Against Torture | training of health personnel | torture victims treatment | prison personnel | torture prevention | training of police personnel | human rights education | universal jurisdiction | extradition | rejected asylum seekers statistics | torture victims | asylum statistics | refoulement prevention | victim services | trafficking in persons victims statistics | domestic violence prevention | institutionalised children | NPMs | national institutions | detainee rights | domestic status | treaty incorporation | torture criminalisation | periodic reports | state compliance | domestic implementation | Denmark | Greenland [Denmark] | Faroe Islands [Denmark] | |
Full text, periodic report | |
Annex to the periodic report | |
Denmark | |
MON : 2022.054 : Not available for external loan | |
Public law : insights into Danish constitutional and administrative law | |
English | |
20220000 | |
Hans Reitzel | |
Nielsen, Peter Aagaard (ed.) | Olsen, Jesper (ed.) | |
978-87-412-7798-1 | |
Denmark | Greenland [Denmark] | Faroe Islands [Denmark] | constitutional law | legal aid | access to justice | civil servants' role | freedom of information | impact evaluation | information systems | digitisation | advocacy | administrative law | law reform | judicial review | elections | political participation | decision making | judicial independence | state responsibility | legal responsibility | governmental entities | international cooperation | expulsion | family reunification | asylum | immigration law | judicial decisions | international courts | international law | domestic implementation | rule of law | democracy | political systems | EU law | European Union | domestic status | international human rights law | state sovereignty | government | international relations | |
UN : A/HRC/48/10/Add.1 : Not available for external loan | |
Report of the Working Group on the Universal Periodic Review : Denmark : addendum : views on conclusions and/or recommendations, voluntary commitments and replies presented by the State under review | |
English | |
20210716 | |
United Nations | |
Denmark | Greenland [Denmark] | Faroe Islands [Denmark] | universal periodic review | human rights monitoring effectiveness | racial discrimination | accountability | gender-based violence prevention | equality rights | immigration detention | refugee reception policy | social welfare | asylum procedure | religious discrimination | child welfare services | women's rights | child rights | housing | juvenile detainees | juvenile justice | human rights status | |
Full text | |
UN. Human Rights Council. Working Group on the Universal Periodic Review (38th sess. : 2021 : Geneva) | Denmark | |
UN : A/HRC/48/10 : Not available for external loan | |
Report of the Working Group on the Universal Periodic Review : Denmark | |
English | |
20210714 | |
United Nations | |
Denmark | Greenland [Denmark] | Faroe Islands [Denmark] | universal periodic review | human rights monitoring effectiveness | racial discrimination | accountability | gender-based violence prevention | equality rights | immigration detention | refugee reception policy | social welfare | asylum procedure | religious discrimination | child welfare services | women's rights | child rights | housing | juvenile detainees | juvenile justice | human rights status | |
Full text | |
UN. Human Rights Council. Working Group on the Universal Periodic Review (38th sess. : 2021 : Geneva) | |
MON : 2017.126 : Not available for external loan | |
Folkeret | |
Danish | |
20170000 | |
Hans Reitzel | |
Harhoff, Frederik | Feldtmann, Birgit | Daniel, Bugge Thorbjørn | Barten, Ulrike | Buhl, Kenneth Øhlenschlæger | Schaumburg-Müller, Sten | |
9788741266596 | |
universal | Serbia | Ukraine | Russian Federation | United Kingdom | Libya | Kosovo | Faroe Islands [Denmark] | Greenland [Denmark] | Denmark | China | United States | Europe | international law | history | conflict resolution | treaties | jurisdiction | state obligations | immunity from prosecution | legal subjects | international organisations | jurisprudence | jus cogens | treaty interpretation | state compliance | customary international law | state sovereignty | civil law | criminal law | universal jurisdiction | private international law | international security | United Nations | environment | boundaries | state responsibility | accountability | reparations | international courts | self-determination | Crimea | Scotland (United Kingdom) | warfare | armed conflict | international humanitarian law | international criminal law | law of the sea | law of treaties | international human rights law | classification | UN treaty bodies | universal human rights protection system | regional human rights protection systems | Council of Europe | European Union | freedom from torture | absolute prohibition of torture | NATO | OSCE | NGOs | |
UN : A/HRC/32/10/Add.1 : Not available for external loan | |
Report of the Working Group on the Universal Periodic Review : Denmark : addendum | |
English | |
20160621 | |
United Nations | |
Denmark | Greenland [Denmark] | Faroe Islands [Denmark] | universal periodic review | human rights monitoring effectiveness | racial discrimination | accountability | gender-based violence prevention | equality rights | immigration detention | refugee reception policy | social welfare | asylum procedure | religious discrimination | child welfare services | women's rights | child rights | housing | juvenile detainees | juvenile justice | human rights status | |
Full text | |
Denmark | |
UN : A/HRC/32/10 : Not available for external loan | |
Report of the Working Group on the Universal Periodic Review : Denmark | |
English | |
20160413 | |
United Nations | |
Denmark | Greenland [Denmark] | Faroe Islands [Denmark] | universal periodic review | human rights monitoring effectiveness | racial discrimination | accountability | gender-based violence prevention | equality rights | immigration detention | refugee reception policy | social welfare | asylum procedure | religious discrimination | child welfare services | women's rights | child rights | housing | juvenile detainees | juvenile justice | human rights status | |
Full text | |
UN. Human Rights Council. Working Group on the Universal Periodic Review (24th sess. : 2016 : Geneva) | |
UN : CAT/C/DNK/6-7 : Not available for external loan | |
Consideration of reports submitted by States parties under article 19 of the Convention pursuant to the optional reporting procedure : sixth and seventh periodic reports of States parties due in 2011 : Denmark | |
Multilingual | |
20150106 | |
United Nations | |
Denmark | Greenland [Denmark] | Faroe Islands [Denmark] | domestic implementation | statistical information | Danish Red Cross | asylum seekers | torture prevention | preventative interventions | pre-trial detention | prison conditions | asylum proceedings | length of proceedings | complaint procedures | medical documentation of torture | reparations | domestic violence | violence against women | trafficking in persons | victims | return migration | Ombudsman | national institutions | judicial decisions | NPMs | UN. Convention Against Torture And Other Cruel Inhuman Or Degrading Treatment Or Punishment. Optional Protocol (2002) | OPCAT | Istanbul Protocol | training | health personnel | DIGNITY - Danish Institute Against Torture | periodic reports | prisoner transfer | treaty incorporation | national law | torture criminalisation | criminal law | military law | deportation | immigration detention | solitary confinement | criminal investigation | policing | international intervention | armed forces | police violence | peacekeeping operations | diplomatic assurances | complicity in torture | extraordinary rendition | CIA | counterterrorism | extradition | human rights education | police personnel | UNCAT | UN. Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (1984) | UNCAT-OP | |
Full text (via OHCHR) | |
Denmark | |
ART : 19486 : Not available for external loan | |
Denmark : joint NGO submission in connection with Denmark's mid-term reporting on the implementation of the 2011 UPR recommendations, January 2014 | |
English | |
20140100 | |
Danish Institute for Human Rights | |
Denmark | Greenland [Denmark] | Faroe Islands [Denmark] | United States | universal human rights protection system | family reunification | immigrants | health services accessibility | policing | pre-trial detention | children in conflict with the law | detainees | statistical information | minority groups | statelessness | diplomatic assurances | racism | refoulement | unaccompanied refugee minors | expulsion | refugee law | immigration detention centres | rejected asylum seekers | deportation | aliens | international cooperation | counterterrorism | xenophobia | development aid | state compliance | discrimination | human rights | children | treaties | international human rights law | reservations | disabled persons | economic, social and cultural rights | disappearances | migrant workers | law reform | civil society | domestic incorporation | torture criminalisation | domestic status | criminal law | rape | sexual abuse | complaint procedures | domestic violence | prostitution | indigenous groups | extraordinary rendition | |
Full text | |
Børnesagens Fællesråd | Danish Law Enforcement Union | Danish Medical Association | Danish Red Cross | Danish Refugee Council | Danish-Russian Association | DIGNITY - Danish Institute Against Torture | Disabled Peoples Organisation Denmark | European Anti-Poverty Network | LGBT Denmark | Save the Children Denmark | Street Lawyers | United Nations Association Denmark | |
MON : 2008.318 : Not available for external loan | |
Sådan klager du til FN : klagevejledning til FN’s Menneskerettighedskomité, FN’s Racediskriminationskomité, FN’s Torturkomité, FN’s Kvindekomité og FN’s Menneskerettighedskommission | |
Danish | |
20080000 | |
Denmark. Justitsministeriet | |
87-91851-40-8 | |
complaint procedures | human rights monitoring | UN treaty bodies | international instruments | universal human rights protection system | UN. International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (1966) | ICCPR | CERD | UNCAT | UN. Convention against Torture and other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (1984) | CEDAW | guidelines | forms | universal | Denmark | Greenland [Denmark] | Faroe Islands [Denmark] | |
Full text | |
Denmark. Justitsministeriet | |