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ART : 29314 : Not available for external loan | |
Space and violence in WWII Italian captivity in Africa : becoming a POW between Mount Kenya and the Equator Line | |
English | |
20200000 | |
Taylor and Francis | |
Bellina, Elena | |
prisoners of war | World War 2 | Italians, male | British Empire | adaptation | attitude | coping behaviour | conflict | political ideologies | Fascism | political violence | social control, informal | torture | spaces | historical aspects | personal narratives | colonialism | masculinities | prisoner of war treatment | environment | survival | prisoner of war camps | organisation and administration | cross-cultural comparison | Germans | theatrical performance | art therapy | persecution | Eastern Africa | Ethiopia | Kenya | United Kingdom | Italy | |
Italian studies ; vol. 75, no. 4 | |
MON : 2016.168 : Not available for external loan | |
Taras bok = Taras bog | |
Norwegian | |
20050000 | |
Zagros | |
Akrawi, Widad | |
82-92628-00-2 | |
Iraq | Denmark | Kurdistan (Iraq) | Kurdish minorities | Kurds | Personal narrative (publication Type) | Gender aspects | traditions | Repression | freedom | Torture | Imprisonment | Persecution | racism | Fascism | Dictatorship | State violence | politics | Political ideologies | Political opposition | Flight | democracy | Kurdish refugees | |
MON : 2003.168 : Not available for external loan | |
Taras bog : en beretning fra Kurdistan | |
Danish | |
20030000 | |
Forum | |
Akrawi, Widad | |
87-553-3420-2 | |
Iraq | Denmark | Torture | Persecution | refugees | Kurdistan | Anxiety | nightmares | Arrest | fascism | |
MON : 1988.134 : Not available for external loan | |
La democracia popular | |
19870900 | |
Tierra Fértil | |
Rodríguez, Mario | |
950 9788 04 X | |
Argentina | democracy | politics | political systems | political violence | fascism | |
ART : 00749 : Not available for external loan | |
Fear and selfloathing in southern California : narcissism and fascism in bodybuilding subculture | |
English | |
19870000 | |
Klein, Alan M. | |
United States | fascism | narcissism | physical fitness | subculture | exercise | self concept | anthropology | psychoanalysis | |
Journal of psychoanalytical anthropology ; vol. 10, no. 2 | |
MON : 1987.010 : Not available for external loan | |
Medizin und Nationalsozialismus : tabuisierte Vergangenheit - ungebrochene Tradition? | |
German | |
19870000 | |
Dr. Med. Mabuse e. V. Zeitschrift im Gesundheitswesen | |
Bader, Gerhard (ed.) | Schultz, Ulrich (ed.) | |
3-925 499-21-0 | |
Germany | medical ethics | doctors' participation | concentration camp prisoners | Nazism | fascism | psychiatry | health policy | human experimentation | |
MON : 1985.112 : Not available for external loan | |
Spanien : arbejderkommissionerne - den nye arbejderbevægelse | |
19760000 | |
Politisk revy | |
Rathfelder, Erich | Stein, Anna | Vogel, Klaus | |
87-85186-42-2 | |
Spain | statistical information | employee strikes | political parties | political movements | employment | trade unions | workers | working conditions | politics | fascism | communism | |
MON : 1985.111 : Not available for external loan | |
I morgen: Spania : intervjuer ved Régis Debray og Max Gallo | |
19740000 | |
Pax | |
Carrillo, Santiago | |
87-87458-837 | |
Spain | political movements | political parties | history | fascism | communism | |
ART : 00592 : Not available for external loan | |
The values of fascism | |
English | |
19680000 | |
Eckhardt, William | |
universal | political ideologies | armed conflict | fascism | propaganda | government | politics | Hitler, Adolf | |
Journal of social issues ; vol. 24, no. 1 | |