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  • ART : 26158 : Not available for external loan
    Predictors of asylum seekers' mental health course in the early stages of resettlement : results of a longitudinal study
    asylum seekers | health status indicators | Sense of Coherence Scale, Leipzig Short Scale (SOC-9L) | Emotion Regulation Questionnaire (ERQ-10) | World Health Organization's Well-Being Index (WHO-5) | Patient Health Questionnaire for Panic Disorder (PHQ-PD) | General Anxiety Disorder Questionnaire (GAD-2) | Patient Health Questionnaire; Module for Depressive Disorders (PHQ-2) | Primary Care PTSD Screening (PC-PTSD-5) | translations | questionnaires | psychometrics | acculturation | sense of coherence | sex factors | religion | country of origin | language | emotional regulation | sociocultural factors | disease models | statistical models | well-being | panic disorder | anxiety disorders | depression | PTSD | regression analysis | social stress | postmigration factors | longitudinal study | prevalence | epidemiology | etiology | mental disorders | resettlement | forecasting | mental health status | war victims | torture victims | Germany
    Journal of psychosomatic research ; vol. 132