Show record 1 to 10 of 380 from RCT
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  • ART : 01204 : Not available for external loan
    Islamic trauma healing (ITH) : a scalable, community-based program for trauma : cluster randomized control trial design and method
    group psychotherapy | clinical trial [publication type] | somatic symptoms | depression therapy | well-being | Somaliland (Somalia) | Islam | PTSD therapy | exposure to warfare effects | traumatic exposure effects | refugees | war victims | cognitive behavioural therapy | Muslims | developing countries | community mental health workers | religious institution's role | community-based interventions | Somalia
    Contemporary clinical trials ; doi: 10.1016/j.conctc.2023.101237
  • ART : 27799 : Not available for external loan
    Bring your spouse: brief multifamily group outcome for posttraumatic stress disorder
    American Psychological Association
    United States | PTSD therapy | psychoeducation | treatment outcome | group psychotherapy | family therapy | veterans, male | spouses, female | family therapy | psychometrics | Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Checklist for DSM-5 | Patient Health Questionnaire-9
    Psychological trauma: theory, research, practice, and policy ; vol. 15, no. 8
  • ART : 32799 : Not available for external loan
    Psychological treatment of PTSD with comorbid substance use disorder (SUD) : expert recommendations of the European Society for Traumatic Stress Studies (ESTSS)
    Taylor and Francis
    universal | PTSD therapy | substance-related disorders therapy | comorbidity | treatment outcome | practice guidelines | alcoholism | psychotherapeutic techniques | cognitive behavioural therapy | group psychotherapy | cognitive restructuring | drafting process | drug therapy | evidence-based practice | combined modality therapy
    European journal of psychotraumatology ; vol. 14, no. 2
  • ART : 32472 : Not available for external loan
    Violences sexuelles liées au terrorisme : prise en charge psychologique des femmes yézidies en Irak = Sexual violence related to terrorism : psychological care for Yezidi women in Iraq
    Elsevier Masson
    torture victims treatment | practice patterns, medical | treatment models | torture victims, female | sexual torture effects | psychotherapeutic techniques | Yazidis, female | follow-up | art therapy | group psychotherapy | psychotherapy, individual | treatment monitoring | guilt | intrusive thoughts | sleep disorders | self-esteem | warfare | rape victims, female | psychological effects of impunity | anger | Iraq
    Annales medico-psychologiques, revue psychiatrique ; vol. 181, no. 8
  • ART : 32433 : Not available for external loan
    Health and social consequences for survivors of genocidal rape : a systematic scoping review
    genocide effects | socioeconomic factors | mental health status | genocide survivors | group psychotherapy | psychosocial interventions | pregnancy, unwanted | traumatic exposure effects | HIV/AIDS | exposure to warfare | family members attitude | community attitude | mental health services needs and demand | social support | social effects | social stigma | review [publication type] | psychological trauma | rape victims | warfare | rape effects | universal | Iraq | Rwanda
    Journal of traumatic stress ; vol. 36, no. 4
  • ART : 32551 : Not available for external loan
    Empowerment group therapy for refugees with affective disorders : results of a multi-center randomized controlled trial
    Cambridge University Press
    Germany | refugee aid | group psychotherapy | empowerment | programme evaluation | treatment outcome | psychoeducation | emotional regulation | stress management | affective disorders therapy | treatment models | cognitive behavioural therapy | psychometrics | WHO Quality of Life Assessment (WHOQoL-BREF) | Strength and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) | Generalized Self-Efficacy Scale (GSE) | Brief Resilience Scale (BRS) | Refugee Health Screener (RHS-15) | Montgomery Asberg Depression Rating Scale (MÅDRS) | Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9) | multicentre study [publication type] | randomised controlled trial [publication type]
    European psychiatry ; vol. 66, no. 1
  • ART : 32501 : Not available for external loan
    Post-traumatic stress disorder in unaccompanied refugee minors: prevalence, contributing and protective factors, and effective interventions: a scoping review
    universal | unaccompanied refugee minors statistics | social support effects | family separation effects | traumatic exposure effects | anxiety | depression | art therapy | narrative exposure therapy | teaching recovery techniques | group psychotherapy | cognitive behavioural therapy | psychological interventions effectiveness | family's role | religion | social network's role | mentorship | psychological resilience | protective factors | risk factors | uncertainty effects | shame | guilt | cumulative trauma disorders | prevalence | PTSD epidemiology
    Children ; vol. 10, no. 6
  • ART : 32507 : Not available for external loan
    Examining the effectiveness of a group hope intervention program in Syrian refugee children : a pilot study
    Taylor and Francis
    Turkey | Syrian refugees, child | war victims, child | programme evaluation | refugee aid | pilot projects | psychological interventions effectiveness | hope | treatment outcome | psychological resilience | group psychotherapy | psychometrics | Children Hope Scale (CHS) | psychological instruments | treatment models | Child and youth resilience measure-12 | translations
    Vulnerable children and youth studies ; vol. 18, no. 3
  • ART : 31513 : Not available for external loan
    Predicting treatment outcomes of the Empowerment group intervention for refugees with affective disorders : findings from the MEHIRA project
    Germany | affective disorders therapy | refugees | group psychotherapy | treatment outcome | forecasting | depression, major therapy | severity (disorders) | symptoms | self efficacy | comorbidity effects | mood disorders | PTSD therapy | empowerment | psychometrics | Patient Health Questionnaire-9 | Harvard Trauma Questionnaire | Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire | Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview | Montgomery-Asberg Depression Rating Scale | Refugee Health Screener-15 | Brief Resilience Scale | Generalized Self-Efficacy Scale | WHOQoL-BREF Assessment
    Journal of affective disorders ; vol. 323
  • ART : 29937 : Not available for external loan
    Culturally adapted cognitive behavioral therapy for Syrian refugee women in Turkey : a randomized controlled trial
    American Psychological Association
    Turkey | Syrian refugees, female | PTSD therapy | depression therapy | anxiety therapy | cognitive behavioural therapy | dropouts | emotional trauma | psychological stress | group psychotherapy | psychotherapy adverse effects | randomised controlled trial [publication type] | psychometrics | Harvard Trauma Questionnaire (HTQ) | Hopkins Symptom Checklist–25 (HSCL)
    Psychological trauma: theory, research, practice, and policy ; vol. 15, no. 2