Show record 1 to 10 of 115 from RCT
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  • ART : 32681 : Not available for external loan
    Dilemmas of anthropological activism, solidarity, and human rights : lessons from Haiti
    social activism | developing countries | humanitarianism | autoethnographic methods | NGO approaches | solidarity | anthropologist's role | advocacy effectiveness | Haiti | universal
    American anthropologist ; vol. 125, no. 3
  • ART : 31253 : Not available for external loan
    'They think you are weak' : examining the drivers of gender-based violence in three urban informal settlements
    Ethiopia | Bangladesh | Haiti | determinants of violence | gender-based violence | poverty areas | urban areas | cross-national analysis | developing countries | poverty | age factors | sex factors | attitude to violence | violence effects
    SAGE open ; April-June 2022
  • ART : 30363 : Not available for external loan
    Book forum : working with Veena Das's 'Textures of the Ordinary: Anthropology after Wittgenstein
    violence | research | debate | anthropology | Das, Veena | politics | esthetics | activities of daily living | interpersonal relations | ethics | conflict | ethnographic methods | knowledge transfer | research methodology | terminology | meaning | poverty | urban areas | social activism | contextual aspects | social mobility | international cooperation | mentorship | field work | Wittgenstein, Ludwig | writing | kinship | family | violence representation | knowledge production | DIGNITY staff publications | universal | India | Palestine, State of | Philippines | United Kingdom | Sierra Leone | Haiti
    Conflict and society : advances in research [vol. 3, 2017] / Erella Grassiani, Alexander Horstmann, Lotte Buch Segal, Ronald S. Stade, Atreyee Sen (eds.) - ISBN: 9781785337925
  • ART : 28699 : Not available for external loan
    Violence against female adolescents in low- and middle-income countries : evidence from 36 national household surveys
    Azerbaijan | Zimbabwe | Zambia | Ukraine | Uganda | Timor-Leste | Tajikistan | Sierra Leone | Sao Tome and Principe | Rwanda | Philippines | Peru | Pakistan | Nigeria | Nepal | Namibia | Mozambique | Moldova, Republic of | Mali | Kyrgyzstan | Kenya | Jordan | India | Honduras | Haiti | Ghana | Gabon | Egypt | Dominican Republic | Cote d'Ivoire | Congo, Democratic Republic of the | Comoros | Colombia | Cameroon | Burkina Faso | Bolivia | violence against women prevalence | protective factors | educational status | sexual abuse | domestic violence | prevalence of violence | socioeconomic factors | risk factors of violence | developing countries | adolescents, female
    Journal of interpersonal violence ; vol. 36, no. 9-10
  • MON : 2021.029 : Not available for external loan
    World report 2021: events of 2020
    human rights violations | torture allegations | Afghanistan | Algeria | Angola | Argentina | Armenia | Australia | Azerbaijan | Bahrain | Bangladesh | Belarus | Bolivia | Bosnia and Herzegovina | Brazil | Burkina Faso | Burundi | Cambodia | Cameroon | Canada | Central African Republic | Chile | China | Colombia | Cuba | Congo, Democratic Republic of the | Ecuador | Egypt | El Salvador | Eritrea | Eswatini | Ethiopia | Europe | France | Georgia | Germany | Greece | Guatemala | Guinea | Haiti | Honduras | Hungary | India | Indonesia | Iran | Iraq | Israel | Palestine, State of | Italy | Japan | Jordan | Kazakhstan | Kenya | Kosovo | Kuwait | Kyrgyzstan | Lebanon | Libya | Malaysia | Maldives | Mali | Mauritania | Mexico | Morocco | Mozambique | Myanmar | Nepal | Nicaragua | Nigeria | Korea, Democratic People's Republic of | Oman | Pakistan | Papua New Guinea | Peru | Philippines | Poland | Qatar | Russian Federation | Rwanda | Saudi Arabia | Serbia | Singapore | Somalia | South Africa | Korea, Republic of | South Sudan | Spain | Sri Lanka | Sudan | Syrian Arab Republic | Tajikistan | Thailand | Tunisia | Turkey | Turkmenistan | United Arab Emirates | Uganda | Ukraine | United Kingdom | United States | Uzbekistan | Venezuela | Viet Nam | Yemen | Zimbabwe
    Human Rights Watch (HRW)
  • ART : 26730 : Not available for external loan
    ‘To minimise that risk, there are some costs we incur’ : examining the impact of gender-based violence on the urban poor
    Taylor and Francis
    Bangladesh | Haiti | Ethiopia | gender-based violence | urban areas | developing countries | poverty areas | violence against women | contextual analysis | fear | violence effects | coping behaviour | cross-national comparison | Dhaka (Bangladesh) | Port-au-Prince (Haiti) | Addis Ababa (Ethiopia) | survival | sex factors | risk management | living conditions | access to education | social networks | armed civilians | conflict resolution | communities | mobility | personal safety
    Global public health ; vol. 15, no. 5
  • MON : 2020.020 : Not available for external loan
    World report 2020 : events of 2019
    human rights violations | elections | political violence | disabled persons victimisation | Gypsies victimisation | ethnic discrimination | mass media | journalists victimisation | human rights defenders victimisation | police | death penalty | impunity for torture | lawyers victimisation | political opposition victimisation | counterterrorism | elderly rights | surveillance | child rights | asylum procedure | asylum seekers | violence against women | accountability | women's rights | indigenous groups | impunity | judicial independence | freedom of expression | prisoner treatment | prison conditions | transitional justice | refugees | immigrants | freedom of religion | freedom of assembly | homosexuals | persecution | political imprisonment | censorship | riot control | police violence | torture allegations | repression | contextual analysis | politics | global survey | crossnational analysis | European Union | Somaliland (Somalia) | Algeria | Angola | Argentina | Armenia | Australia | Azerbaijan | Bahrain | Bangladesh | Belarus | Bolivia | Bosnia and Herzegovina | Brazil | Burundi | Cambodia | Cameroon | Canada | Central African Republic | Chile | China | Colombia | Cote d'Ivoire | Cuba | Congo, Democratic Republic of the | Ecuador | Egypt | El Salvador | Equatorial Guinea | Eritrea | Eswatini | Ethiopia | Georgia | Guatemala | Guinea | Haiti | Honduras | India | Indonesia | Iran, Islamic Republic of | Iraq | Israel | Palestine, State of | Japan | Jordan | Kazakhstan | Kenya | Kosovo | Kuwait | Kyrgyzstan | Lebanon | Libya | Malaysia | Maldives | Mali | Mauritania | Mexico | Morocco | Western Sahara | Mozambique | Myanmar | Nepal | Nicaragua | Nigeria | Korea, Democratic People's Republic of | Pakistan | Papua New Guinea | Peru | Philippines | Qatar | Russian Federation | Rwanda | Saudi Arabia | Serbia | Singapore | Somalia | South Africa | Korea, Republic of | South Sudan | Sri Lanka | Sudan | Syrian Arab Republic | Tajikistan | Tanzania, United Republic of | Thailand | Tunisia | Turkey | Turkmenistan | United Arab Emirates | Uganda | Ukraine | United States | Uzbekistan | Venezuela | Viet Nam | Yemen | Zimbabwe
    Human Rights Watch (HRW)
  • MON : Electronic resource : Not available for external loan
    The politics of violence in Latin America
    University of Calgary
    determinants of violence | repression strategies | organised crime | warfare | police violence | violence prevention effectiveness | national institution effectiveness | police oversight effectiveness | Ombudsman's role | state characteristics | conflict resolution strategies | abduction | accountability | riot control | killings | Operation Condor | state terror | Haiti | Mexico | Chile | Brazil | Colombia
  • ART : 25153 : Not available for external loan
    Building peace abroad and coming back home : experiences of Swedish police officers
    Taylor and Francis
    Sweden | Haiti | Kosovo | Liberia | police personnel | peacekeeping forces | policing | postconflict situations | return to work | adaptation | police management | personal satisfaction | job satisfaction
    Policing and society: an international journal of research and policy ; vol. 28, no. 9
  • ART : 23658 : Not available for external loan
    To engage or not to engage Haiti’s urban armed groups? : safe access in disaster-stricken and conflict-affected cities
    Haiti | personnel safety | urban development | field work | Port-au-Prince (Haiti) | United Nations | NGO approaches | crime | poverty | disasters | humanitarian aid | urban areas | non state agents | violence | emergencies
    Environment and urbanization ; vol. 29, no. 2